Wednesday, October 13, 2010


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Man interrupts Dutch TV show seeking directions to toilet

Chicken alarm clock

The Best of British

The very clever Ms. Eclectech and DogHorse have produced this video to promote some board game.

Three people in gorilla and chicken costumes steal bicycle

Three individuals wearing gorilla and chicken costumes allegedly assaulted a 15-year-old boy and stole his bicycle, Suffolk County Police said.

The unidentified teenager was confronted by the costumed robbers near the Kohl's shopping center on Route 25A in Rocky Point at about 1:15 p.m.

Police said the victim was punched in the head by one of the individuals wearing a gorilla costume and fell off his bike. The suspect dressed in the chicken costume fled the scene on the bicycle and the two suspects dressed in gorilla costumes fled the scene on foot, police said.

The victim was taken to St. Charles Hospital in Port Jefferson and was treated for minor injuries, police said. The investigation is continuing.

Waitress forced to play 'ring toss game with boss' penis'

A US waitress is suing a couple who own the hotel where she worked claiming they encouraged employees to participate in a ring toss game on the husband's penis. She claims the owners threw a party at the hotel, where the husband danced nude and masturbated publicly, and guests guessed the size and circumference of his penis, and his wife handed out sex toys as prizes for correct guesses.

Jessica Webber quit her job at the Markum Inn, Oregon where she had worked at for three years, after a private party there turned raunchy. At the 'ladies only' party, owner Ward Frederick, 46, stripped naked and encouraged guests and employees to use his penis in a ring toss game, the lawsuit alleged.

Webber says that during her shift, "Mrs. Frederick handed out a questionnaire to plaintiff and others with questions relating to the genitalia of the male stripper and Mr. Frederick, including questions regarding the size and circumference of Mr. Frederick's penis. Mrs. Frederick also showed plaintiff a bag of adult sex toys that she intended to hand out as gifts at the party for correctly answered questions."

Ms Webber left the party soon after and never returned to work at the restaurant. Mr Frederick's wife Julie had also allegedly talked to Ms Webber about her sexual fantasies and asked her and other employees for advice. In the $900,000 lawsuit, Ms Webber described the working conditions as "intolerable" and "sexually hostile".

Smoking Gun report.

Judge orders man to carry thief sign every weekend for six years

A man who stole money from victims of crime has been ordered to stand on a busy city street with a sign saying he is a thief - every weekend for the next six years. Daniel Mireles has been walking back and forth on Westheimer in Houston - in front of the Galleria shopping centre with a sign saying he is a thief.

In large capital letters, his sign reads: 'I am a thief. I stole $250,000 from the Harris County crime victim's fund. Daniel Mireles.' A judge ordered the public humiliation as part of Mireles's sentence.

Mireles says that he suffers abuse from passersby, but sometimes gets sympathy as well. He said: 'I've been stopped by two gentlemen who don't approve of me walking the street. This block right here. They don't approve of what I did, but they don't approve of this.'

Mireles said he must stand at the intersection for five hours every weekend for the next six years. His wife Eloise, a former county employee, was also convicted of theft in July. She'll serve the same public punishment once she gets out of jail.

There's a news video here.

Barack Obama streaker could receive $1million prize

The man who streaked Barack Obama at a rally on Sunday could be in line for a $1million prize. It was offered to the first person to successfully expose himself in front of the President by a British billionaire who encouraged people to attempt the stunt and post the footage on a website in exchange for $1million.

Juan Rodriguez, 24, from Staten Island in New York ran naked out of a crowd during a political rally in Philadelphia before being arrested by police. The American was bailed on Monday after being charged with indecent exposure, open lewdness and disorderly conduct and is waiting to hear whether he will receive his money., the website set up by digital media entrepreneur Alki David, is awaiting confirmation from the Greek Embassy whether Mr Obama heard and saw the actions of Mr Rodriguez. In accordance with the rules laid out by the streaker must be in the eye-line of the President and also within earshot so that he can hear them shout out the name of the website six times.

Mr David, 42, who is 45th in the Sunday Times Rich List, said: "We are delighted with Mr Rodriguez. I am looking forward to presenting him with a big bag of cash. We are just waiting for confirmation that Obama did hear him and then we can hand over the money. I've nothing against Obama himself - it's just we knew this stunt would attract so much publicity if it was with the President." Mr Rodriguez is reportedly intending to share the money with four others, including his girlfriend, who helped him pull the stunt off.

3 grandchildren born 15 minutes apart in same hospital

As proud grandma Pat Geraghty watched the nurses weigh, measure and take the footprints of her newborn granddaughter Kyenna, happy tears streamed down her face. She had three times as many reasons to be so happy. In the space of one Thursday morning, she had not only gained one new granddaughter, but, rather unexpectedly, three. “I almost died,” she says. “What a great day. What a miracle.”

Pat and her husband, Dan, had thought it was pretty cool that their two children, Tony and Jess, were both expecting babies. They were even more delighted when they learned their kids’ due dates were exactly one month apart. Tony and his wife, Tessa, were expecting their third child Aug. 19. Jess and her husband, Dave Elliott, were expecting twin girls to arrive Sept. 19. But nature has a time clock all its own. All three babies wound up being born Aug. 12, just minutes apart and a few rooms away from each other.

“I kept saying, ‘Three babies in less than 15 minutes? I can’t believe this,’ ” Pat says. Sidney Malin Elliott, just 3 pounds, 10 ounces, was born first, at 11:26 a.m. Sienna Grace Elliott, who weighed 3 pounds, 11 ounces, was born one minute later. The babies were healthy but tiny, so they were whisked off to Sanford’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Pat, who had been in the waiting room, was asked by Jess’ husband, Dave, to go out in the hall. “As I came out to the hall, Tony was in the nursery holding up a baby girl,” Pat says. “I about died.” Kyenna Margaret had arrived at 11:42 a.m., in a room just kitty-corner from the Elliotts’ room. She weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and had a shock of dark hair. Even the nurses were amazed at the sudden influx of Geraghty babies. They thought it was a huge deal,” Jess says. “It was cool that they were so into it.”

New Zealand museum bans pregnant women from attending exhibit

A clash of cultures over a rule forbidding pregnant or menstruating women to attend a Te Papa exhibit has been criticised by feminists. An invitation for regional museums to go on a behind-the-scenes tour of some of Te Papa's collections included the condition that "wahine who are either hapu [pregnant] or mate wahine [menstruating]" were unable to attend.

Jane Keig, Te Papa spokeswoman, said the policy was in place because of Maori beliefs surrounding the Taonga Maori collection included in the tour. She said the rule was one of the terms Te Papa agreed to when they took the collection.

"If a woman is pregnant or menstruating, they are tapu. Some of these taonga have been used in battle and to kill people. Pregnant women are sacred and the policy is in place to protect women from these objects."

If an object is tapu it is "forbidden" and in Maori culture it is believed that if that tapu is not observed, something bad will happen. Women who plan to attend the tour on November 5 are expected to be honest about whether they are pregnant or menstruating as a sign of respect to Maori beliefs.

Britain’s top pet lookalike

Auburn-haired Nicky Walton has scooped the unglamorous national title of being the pet owner who most looks like – her dog. Farm hand Nicky, 32, was commended for her ”remarkable” resemblance to dachshund Tyler, including the same flowing auburn hair and deep brown eyes. She won first prize in a nationwide competition by vetinary charity People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) to find Britain’s top pet lookalike. Single Nicky, an animal foster ‘mum’, looks after three-year-old Tyler along with 11 other dogs, three cats, a parrot, a rescued magpie and two tortoises.

Surprisingly Nicky, from Longhope, Glos., is taking the award as a compliment. She said: ”I wasn’t sure whether to take this award as a compliment or not at first – but Tyler is a very handsome dog so I have decided I will. I have had him since he was a puppy – he got me over the pain of a break-up – and he follows me around wherever I go. I didn’t consciously choose him because he looked like me, but he certainly does now.

”I had never had a dachshund before – but I’ve got nine of them now! Tyler is top dog at home, he’s very loving and loyal and has me wrapped around his paw.” Second place went to Danielle Wilson, from Dagenham, Essex, and her four-year-old Lhasa Apso called Honey. Danielle, whose hairstyle even matches her pooch, says she treats the pet like her own daughter.

She said: ”Honey was an unwanted gift for someone so I snapped her up. I’m a full time mum of one son and treat honey like the daughter I never had. I love to do her hair the same as mine. We are inseparable and everyone comments on how much we look alike, she is such a loving dog and I feel so lucky to have her.”

Man sold possessions after incorrect terminal cancer diagnosis

A Birmingham man who claims he was told he had just six months to live sold many of his precious possessions before discovering he wasn’t going to die. Malcolm McMahon sold most heirlooms left by his parents, gave away his dog, cashed in premium bonds, made a will and put his house up for sale – only to find out his life was not at risk after all. Mr McMahon, 55, from Erdington, claimed the terminal cancer diagnosis caused emotional turmoil for his girlfriend and relatives, who had already suffered the death of his mother and brother to lung cancer in recent years. Mr McMahon claimed his GP, Dr Andy Thompson of Handworth’s Enki Medical Centre, interpreted ultrasound scans of his liver as being cancerous, breaking the news that he had severe liver cancer and only months to live in February last year.

But he said that three months later, following further examinations at City Hospital he returned to the surgery and Dr Thompson revealed blemishes on the scan were actually harmless lesions on the liver. By this time he had sold most of his precious belongings to give a legacy to his family. “The scan showed a possibility of cancer that needed further investigation,” claimed Mr McMahon, former owner of Armsco pawnbrokers and jewellers in Yardley. My mother and brother died from cancer so I just thought it was my time to face the music. What they went through was terrible and for a moment, I thought about ending it all. I found a new home for my Staffordshire Bull Terrier and was driving back from giving him away when I was caught drink-driving. I didn’t even realise, I wasn’t thinking straight and had never even been done for a speeding ticket before.

“I was going to put my other two dogs down as they would have no home, but luckily I didn’t.” Mr McMahon added: “I sat there listening to the doctor detail about dying at home and how Macmillan nurses could help, but the whole time, I was fine. All that time spent worrying over nothing. My girlfriend was devastated. I wanted to make sure the people I loved would be financially secure without me, so I sold antique rings, china ornaments and plates left by my parents for silly money as I thought I didn’t have much time. Luckily, I didn’t get an offer for my mid-terrace four-bedroomed house before I found out I wasn’t going to die. The last year has really taken its toll on me,” added Mr McMahon.

A spokeswoman for Dr Thompson, who works for Heart of Birmingham Primary Care Trust, said he was unavailable for comment. But a report on the case by specialist advisor Dr Nicholas Plant, from Kingswinford, said the first ultrasound showed liver lesions and suggested “liver metastases” – which are cancerous tumours that have spread to the liver from somewhere else in the body. Dr Plant wrote: “It was a difficult case where the original findings were highly suggestive of cancer. In my opinion, the GP informed Mr McMahon of the situation as he saw it, that there was a strong possibility of cancer at the time when he was first seen.” He added: “It does appear that fortunately Mr McMahon does not have cancer.”

Arrest after man spits at hearse

A man has been arrested after a hearse was spat at a during a funeral procession in Berkshire.

The Jaguar hearse was driving along Kings Road, Reading, when a man spat at it three times, hitting the windscreen, nearside and rear of the car. The hearse was part of a two-vehicle procession with grieving relatives following in a limousine.

A 40-year-old man, from east Reading, was arrested after the incident last Wednesday morning and released on bail.

Pc Peter Jones, from Thames Valley Police, said: "This was a particularly unpleasant incident. Although we have made an arrest, I remain keen to speak to anyone who witnessed this incident."

Teenager faces Sex Offenders’ Register for squeezing female police officer’s bottom

A drunken teenager could end up on the Sex Offenders’ Register after he admitted squeezing a female police officer’s bottom during a night out, a court heard. Sam Peters, 19, grabbed her buttocks with both hands and ”squeezed hard and then laughed”. She arrested him and took him to a police station, where he brazenly told cops: ”Girls do it to me all the time and I don’t cry about it.”

Peters admitted touching a woman in a sexual way without consent when he appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court on Monday. The court heard Peters groped the officer, who cannot be named for legal reasons, at 2.30am on September 26. He told the court he had downed more than 10 cans of lager and vodka and was ”paralytic”. Sarah Stock, prosecuting, said the officer had just finished assisting colleagues who were dealing with an incident in Lowesmoor, Worcester. As she returned to her patrol car a group of men and woman walk towards her.

Mrs Stock said: ”As they walked past, the defendant firmly grabbed her buttocks with both hands, squeezed hard and then laughed.” She added that after he was arrested and interviewed by officers he told them: ”Girls do it to me all the time and I don’t cry about it.” The court heard the female officer had been distressed by the incident because it had been witnessed by members of the public and her colleagues.

Paul Stanley, defending, said Peters did not understand how serious his actions had been, saying it was a ”high-spirited offence”. He said: ”It was totally out of character. It was a high spirited offence which has caught him cold in relation to the Sexual Offences Act.” Magistrates adjourned the case and bailed Peters ordering him to return on November 5 for sentencing. Peters, from Tolladine, Worcester, was warned he faced a community order and would have to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register.

Trader put his own face on dodgy CD packaging

A bungling couple convicted of selling almost 600 pirated CDs at a market tried to claim the discs were not theirs. An excuse which might just have worked, apart from the fact that one of their faces was on the packaging. Husband and wife Dennis Davis, 40, and 34-year-old Kerry Ann Graham 34 of South Norwood, south London, were also caught selling fake Nike trainers by Surrey County Council trading standards officers.

The crooks were each found guilty of charges under trade mark and copyright laws at Staines Magistrates' Court after previously pleading not guilty. They were each fined £450 and ordered to pay £450 costs.

In court the couple claimed the CDs were not theirs but this defence fell apart when it was pointed out that some of the packaging featured a picture of Davis as part of his company brand. They then claimed they were giving the CDs away for free but this did not wash with the court either.

Lucy Corrie, from Surrey County Council trading standards, said: "This couple aren't quite Bonnie and Clyde and it probably wasn't the smartest move by Dennis to put a picture of himself on the illegal items he was selling. Trading in counterfeit trainers and pirated CDs may on the surface seem like a victimless crime but it certainly isn't. The products are usually poor quality rips offs which take business away from legitimate Surrey firms in these difficult financial times."

Royal photo removed from flats over fire fear

A picture of the Queen and Prince Charles has been removed from outside a Swansea pensioner's flat due to health and safety concerns. Jean Thomas, 80, was told the photo which hung on the landing wall could hinder rescuers if there was a fire.

Neighbours were told to remove pot plants, a rug and other pictures from communal areas at their retirement complex in Sketty Park. A council spokesman said landlords must ensure communal areas are safe. Mrs Thomas hung the picture of the Prince of Wales' investiture on the stairs outside her sheltered housing flat.

But the 2ft by 18ins photograph was taken by the warden. "It's just silly isn't it?" said Mrs Thomas, who has lived there for 13 years. The warden took them down by saying 'It's rules and regulations."

"Apparently the health and safety people said my picture may cause an obstruction or fall off if there was a fire. It is daft." The photo of the investiture ceremony at Caernarfon Castle in 1969 has a place in the pensioner's heart as she sang in the choir at the service. "I put the picture up to make it look less like a jail," she added.