Saturday, October 16, 2010



Cat attempts jump onto cupboard

Boxer puppies make haunting sounds

Baby mountain gorilla learns the intricacies of eating bindweed

US man to be charged with toilet paper assault

A Framingham man threw a roll of toilet paper at a town custodian because he thought he was inappropriately whistling in a restroom at the Memorial Building, police said. Allen Kerner, 55, will be summoned to Framingham District Court for hitting the janitor in the head with the roll, police spokesman Lt. Ron Brandolini said.

Officers were standing outside, near the Memorial Building's parking lot, when they heard Kerner screaming and saw him being followed by the custodian. "(Kerner) said he was angry about being whistled at," Brandolini said.

The custodian said he went into the men's room at the Memorial Building to change the toilet paper rolls and was whistling as he worked, unaware someone was in the bathroom. As he was working in one of the stalls, he was pelted in the back of the head by a roll of toilet paper, the lieutenant said.

"He turned around, and (Kerner) began yelling at him about whistling and then he fled the bathroom," Brandolini said. Kerner, of 3 Merchant Road, will be summoned to appear in court on a count of assault and battery. It is not known when he will appear in court.

Man with teeth appears on Jeremy Kyle Show

Shoplifter gets Sesame Street punishment

An 18-year-old Virginia man who was caught shoplifting at a costume store has accepted a rather unusual punishment.

Andrew Perry, the owner of the Halloween Express costume store in Charlottesville, told the light-fingered teenager that he would not call the police - if instead the youth stood in front of the store with a sign saying he was caught shoplifting.

In a bizarre twist, Mr Perry also told the boy that he would have to dress as Sesame Street character Bert, as in Bert and Ernie. So the teenager agreed to spend six hours over two days in front of the store, in costume, holding a sign that reads: 'I got caught shoplifting at Halloween Express.'

Mr Perry said he came up with the unorthodox punishment because he didn't want the shoplifter to have a criminal record. He said: 'It could mess the rest of his life up - 18 years old, you go to get another job and it shows that you've been caught shoplifting. Nobody wants to have someone working for them who has a criminal background.'

'Mooning mother' shocks school children

An argument over student drop-off zones outside an Albuquerque, New Mexico school heated up as kindergartners watched until a woman dropped her drawers showing a mother what she could kiss, according to a parent who said she witnessed the incident. The concerned parent, who asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation, said it happened at around 9 a.m. on on Tuesday at Alvarado Elementary School in Northwest Albuquerque.

The parent said she was dropping off her daughter when a woman was spotted in the wrong drop-off area. An argument between the woman and another parent ensued. The concerned parent said the verbal disagreement grew louder and louder. “Very loud, to the point where the crossing guard came up to see what was going on,” the concerned parent said. The woman started shouting profanities and made it clear she was not leaving. However, no one ever expected what happened next.

“She dropped her pants, fully exposing her buttocks and other areas; underwear and everything,” the parent said. It did not end there. According to the witness, the woman then slapped her exposed rear end and told the other parent what she should kiss. “Basically said kiss my *** and F-off,” the parent said.

The parent said it happened right in front of the kindergarten playground with kids, parents and even a crossing guard as witnesses. She said the woman bent over so far that she saw a lot more than just the lady’s rear end and so did her daughter. “She proceeded to say, ‘Gross, Mommy. What is she doing?’” the parent said. “Very upset. I think that is what has got me the most is that school grounds are supposed to be protected grounds. That's where it's safe haven for children.” Albuquerque Public Schools Police Department detectives are investigating. They said they do not know if the woman was a parent or a family friend. The concerned parent said even if the woman wasn’t a parent, she should have known better.

With news video.

Incredible police chase caught on camera in Sao Paolo, Brazil

A fugitive is recovering in hospital after leaving a trail of destruction during a police chase in Brazil. Welington Goncalves dos Santos was seen on live TV smashing into cars and police motorbikes after escaping from prison in Sao Paulo.

He crashes and weaves his way through city centre traffic until he finds his escape route blocked by a 4X4. The convict then throws the stolen car into reverse at high speed and rams into four police bikes.

One officer shoots him in the hand as a presenter on TV channel Ao Viva gives a frenetic commentary. The suspect drives off again and tries to smash his way through the traffic.

A man in the wrecked 4X4 flees in terror and an armed officer runs after him with his gun pointed before realising he is not the wanted man. Police surround the fugitive's vehicle before taking him into custody.

Man in sniper gear caught breaking into museum toilet

Oregon police caught a man dressed in a 'moss suit' trying to break into a museum - through its bathroom. Gregory Liascos, 36, was arrested trying to get into the Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals. It was a plan that made it only as far as the toilet. "The museum has an exterior bathroom that is attached to the house, but has no entry to the house," said Sgt. Dave Thompson of the Washington County Sheriff's Office.

Investigators believe Liascos spent several nights cutting a hole in the wall of the museum's exterior restroom, a hole that was hidden behind the toilet seat protectors. No one would have known it was there – except for the fact that this burglar wasn't the cleanest. The caretaker found debris on the floor every morning. "So he cleaned it up on Monday, and the next day he saw some similar dust on the floor. It piques his curiosity, but he can't figure out where it's coming from," Thompson said.

It didn't take long to discover the hole and deputies installed extra security devices. On Thursday morning, they went off. A police dog searching the woods nearby found a large piece of ground interesting. The dog bit - the ground screamed. Liascos was under arrest.

"It just seems unbelievable that someone thinks with all the security in the museum that they'd be able to do something like that," said museum director Linda Kepford. What Liascos was allegedly after was a quarter-million dollar gold collection – that was just returned after a successful heist in April. But the moss man never got in… and he wouldn't have. The hole he made led to an elevator shaft - which was blocked by the elevator inside.

With news video.

Spider-Goats go grazing on near-vertical dam

The Cingino dam in the Italian Alps has attracted a herd of death-defying goats who seem happy to flirt with a 160ft drop.

The gravity-defying goats typically live in very steep and rocky terrain at altitudes of up to to 4,600m and have no fear of falling whether climbing up or down the 160ft dam wall.

And they aren't doing it just to show off.

It is thought the goats are actually grazing, licking the stones for their salts.

Man poked in eye by stripper's high heel gets $650,000 settlement

A South Florida man on Thursday won a $650,000 settlement for injuries he sustained after he was poked in the eye by a stripper’s high heel during a lap dance. Michael Ireland suffered a punctured eye socket and broken facial bones in the 2008 incident at the Cheetah Club near West Palm Beach.

Now he has permanent double vision, attorneys said. The strip club decided to settle out of court on Thursday instead of following through with the lawsuit.

"When this case was first filed, many people criticized it simply because it occurred at a strip club," said Lake Lytal, Ireland's attorney. "But we feel the $650,000 settlement goes to show that this was a serious case with serious injuries." Last year club boss Rod Kimbrough said the dancer - who he called a "very nice, young small girl" - lashed out after being smacked.

"A patron violently slapped the young woman on her buttocks and she was walking around the top of the bar and I guess out of a natural response she turned around and kicked him," Kimbrough said. The dancer was identified as Sakeena Shageer, who performs under the name Suki.

There's a news video on this page.

Mosque defaced with bacon

Muslims are calling on the FBI to investigate after someone wrote the words "pig" and "chump" in bacon outside a mosque in Florence.

Mushtaq Hussain had just finished praying at the Islamic centre when he walked out and found the messages on the walkway. At first, he thought it was a practical joke. But not anymore.

"Then later on, we thought seriously and we thought, 'You know, somebody doesn't like us,'" Hussain said. The incident is especially offensive because most Muslims do not eat pig products.

Because nothing was done to an actual person, police were investigating the incident as harassment, rather than a hate crime.

Woman stabs classmate in anger-management class

A 19-year-old Bellevue woman has been charged with second-degree assault after she allegedly stabbed a classmate Saturday during an anger-management class at Bellevue College. Bellevue police say Faribah Maradiaga "blew up out of control" and stabbed the classmate's arm and shoulder several times after the two women exchanged words.

Police said Maradiaga, who already had a pending assault charge, told them that the other woman had threatened her first, according to charging documents. Maradiaga walked into the North Campus classroom around 9 a.m. on Saturday while a video on anger management was being shown, according to the charges.

Maradiaga started complaining about the movie and disrupting the class when the victim told Maradiaga "the video was good and to give it a chance." Maradiaga, who was sitting two rows behind the victim, then stood up and started talking "trash" before pulling out a knife with a 3-inch blade and stabbing the other woman, police and prosecutors say.

The charges say Maradiaga then threatened to kill the victim's family. Maradiaga is being held on $50,000 bail in King County Jail and is scheduled to be arraigned on Oct. 25.

Man showers to sober up in wrong house

An Australian woman at home alone was terrified when she heard someone having a shower in her house. Police later found a red-faced neighbour who was so drunk that he went into the house because he thought it was his own.

"He was very apologetic," Superintendent Daniel Shean said. The man got lost on the way to his house in Katherine on Wednesday night. He walked into the home and took a shower in an attempt to sober up.

The 34-year-old householder was asleep upstairs. She woke up, heard the water running and frantically rang the police. When officers arrived, they found the 42-year-old sitting on the woman's verandah - dressed again.

He said "sorry" to the police and woman many times after realising his mistake. The man was taken into protective custody to sleep off his big night. "The woman was just happy for us to take him away," Supt Shean said. "She thought he was a burglar."

Elderly dog survives 8 week ordeal

A 16-year-old labrador in New Zealand survived eight weeks trapped in a tunnelhouse by using her own body fat to sustain her and getting water from a hole in a roof. Riverton man Lou Peterson said there were tears of joy when his old dog, Gail, walked up their driveway on Tuesday. The family pet, who had been given up for dead, was found by a neighbour in an unused tunnelhouse across the road where she had survived one of Southland's heaviest snowfalls and spent the past eight weeks with no food. "Its amazing ... I just cannot believe it." Gail went missing on the opening weekend of the whitebait season, while her owners were away.

She had pushed the tunnelhouse door open, walked in and then the door had shut behind her, Mr Peterson said. "What she went in for I don't know ... she never goes away as a rule." Searchers did not think she would be inside because the door was shut and therefore did not look, Mr Peterson said. "We hunted. We had the neighbours hunting and we were in touch with the ranger." Gail was deaf, had a bad hip and did not bark, which made it harder to find her, he said.

There had been stories told about that breed of dog going away to die and they thought that might have happened, he said. Expecting the worst, the family cancelled her registration and sold her kennel. There was a hole in the tunnelhouse roof, so rain and snow would have provided some water, he said. Gail, who was a healthy size before she disappeared, was now eating small meals to "bring her back quietly", Mr Peterson said. Yesterday had been a big morning for the dog, with neighbours and family members coming to see her, he said.

VetSouth Ltd veterinarian Jeff Herkt said for a 16-year-old dog with potential health challenges to survive eight weeks without food was remarkable. Not having any food would have been a significant stress on her and she would have had to rely on her own body fat to survive, he said. Dehydration was more critical than malnutrition, and without any water she would have lasted only about four days, he said.

Baby red squirrel rescued by gun-dog

An injured red squirrel that was rescued after being sniffed out by a trained gun dog that 'pointed' to it is being cared for by the Scottish SPCA. The seven-week-old animal was rescued by Scotland's animal welfare charity after a dog walker found him grounded on a forest floor near Auchtermuchty on Sunday October 10.

The springer spaniel located the squirrel and 'pointed' to it. which was struggling to move and his owner picked up the little creature and carried him home in his hat. After caring for him overnight he contacted the Scottish SPCA for help and local Inspector Nicola Liddell collected the young squirrel and transported him to the charity's Wildlife Rescue Centre in Fife where staff have named him Hamish.

Centre Manager Colin Seddon said: "It's likely that Hamish lost his balance while out exploring the trees and landed on the ground. He did have a sore leg when he first came in to us, probably due to the fall, but he seems to be doing much better now.

"Hamish has started to feed himself so we will keep handling to a minimum from now on. This means that when he's fully fit we can return him to his natural habitat as a truly wild animal with the best chance of survival."

Council's £24,000 payout after tomato jump stunt misfires

A Belfast City Council worker who was dressed as a tomato when she was injured by the then lord mayor has agreed a settlement of £24,021.75. Lorraine Mallon suffered a slipped disc when Jim Rodgers' knee accidentally hit her head as he tried to vault over her. Ms Mallon had been dressed as a tomato to launch a gourmet garden event in Botanic Gardens in September 2007.

A spokesperson for the council said: "We can confirm that a settlement has been made in that case." The case was heard by Mr Justice Stephens at the High Court in Belfast, with the settlement agreed on Tuesday. The council must also pay the costs of the action, which was brought against it on the grounds of negligence and breach of statutory duty.

After the incident, Mr Rodgers, an Ulster Unionist councillor, said he attempted the act of athleticism at the request of photographers. "I have been absolutely devastated over what has happened," he said. "There had been three false runs and I think Lorraine thought this was just another one.

"I just caught the top of her head and unfortunately I injured her." Mr Rodgers said he was confident he could have made the vault. He said: "I'm very fit and look after myself, but it was just one of those unfortunate things."