Sunday, March 06, 2011

Holding hands nicely

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Alice eats live octopus

Alice visits the Noryangjin Fish Market in Seoul, South Korea and she eats a local delicacy.

YouTube link.

Man in Paris does things with a football

YouTube link.

Eric Clapton spotted doing his own washing in public launderette

If you want a job done properly, sometimes you simply have to do it yourself. But you’d think Eric Clapton, with a £125million fortune, would leave his washing to someone else these days. Or at the very least, have a laundry to do it in. But Slowhand doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty on wash day.

The 62-year-old singer and guitarist was seen in a laundrette near his Los Angeles home, bundling towels into a washing machine and then waiting around before shoving them in a dryer. In baggy jeans, brown jacket and trainers, he looked like any other customer with a pile of washing on his to-do list. And he transported the lot in a £5 mesh carrier bag.

According to the Sunday Times Rich List, Clapton is the 18th richest musician in Britain. He has built his fortune on decades as one of the world’s most talented guitar players. ‘I could not believe it was Eric Clapton and I would not have looked twice unless I was a huge fan,’ said an onlooker who spotted him cooling his heels between the rinse and spin cycle.

YouTube link.

‘I have no idea why somebody like him would be in here. Maybe his washing machine is broken and he just needed to do some laundry. Then again he could just enjoy coming to the laundrette, a lot of people enjoy having a chat when they do their washing.’

Woman arrested after posing as deceased mother

Investigators say a Ferndale woman masqueraded as her dead mother to keep pension cheques rolling in. Detectives say Loewen B. Craft collected $145,000 in retirement funds. Craft's adopted daughter says the scheme had been going on for years.

"It is bizarre," said Arielle Stanwyck. "She would wear large glasses to impersonate my grandmother. She would even wear makeup on her face to wear liver spots to look old and look like my grandmother." Investigators say four years ago, Craft checked her mom, Betty Becker, into a hospital under a fake name. When her 90-year-old mother died a short time later, investigators say Craft kept collecting pension cheques from Chevron oil.

"Once the police talked to me, they used the word 'fraud' and 'embezzlement,' " said Becker's caregiver Bonnie Vanfossen said. "And (Craft) admitted to me that yes, she was cashing her mother's cheques." At one point, Chevron got suspicious that Becker had died. Investigators say Craft entered banks wearing the disguise and carrying an ID card in her dead mother's name. It worked to keep the accounts open.

A detective stumbled upon the suspected fraud while investigating an unrelated case. The bank froze the accounts, called police, and invited Craft to come back. Surveillance photos show her wearing the wig and heavy make-up. Detectives arrested her on the spot. She's now in jail, suspected of identity theft, criminal impersonation and multiple counts of forgery.

With news video.

Church pastor say scumbags are welcome

The pastor of a Lake County church thinks his controversial billboard that reads 'Scumbags Welcome!' will help bring people closer to God. Pastor Moses Robbins of the Saturday Night Live (SNL) Church put the billboard up along Highway 441 between Tavares and Leesburg. In less than a week, the sign started to draw lots of criticism.

A phone number for the church is posted on the billboard. Robbins said the phone has been ringing off the hook. He said there is nothing vulgar about the sign and he doesn't care if it offends people. However, he said that wasn't his goal.

Robbins said you have to read the Bible verse Mark 2:13-17 to understand what inspired the billboard. He said the billboard is based on Jesus Christ's work to engage sinners and put them on the right path. The pastor said the problem is a lot of people are not going to church to hear the message of God.

He said the idea behind the billboard was to create a short and blunt statement that would create some "wonder" and lead more people to church. Robbins said he is planning to post another controversial message about sex within the next few months. He said he has no plans to take the billboard down.

There's a news video here.

Dissatisfied customer smashes dozens of bottles of alcohol at liquor store

An angry woman on a bottle-breaking rampage swept through a West Nyack liquor store. Police said she didn't steal anything, she just wrecks the place.

"I am angry about it. I've never seen this happen. In 25 years, in the business, I've never seen anyone do something like this.," said Chris Giacopelli, son of store owner.

YouTube link.

The clerks on duty told police the woman came right in the front door and stormed right over to the counter, wanting to jump the line. They said she was very upset.

Surveillance video shows her arguing with the clerk about 30 seconds after she walked in. During this heated exchange, clerks said she asked to use the restroom and was told no, and that really set her off. She headed to the back of the store, then clears parts of shelf on her way out.

Australian nurses sacked over 'Genital Friday Club'

Nurses have been sacked from a nursing home for allegedly depriving a dying man of food and photographing residents' genitals in a game called the "Genital Friday Club". One of New South Wales' top nursing homes, William Cape Gardens, on the Central Coast, ran an independent investigation into the atrocities before sacking two nurses, allegedly the ringleaders, on February 16.

A third nurse was suspended and has since been reinstated, while a fourth nurse resigned. The horrific treatment at William Cape includes claims that three nurses told an elderly woman with dementia that her husband was having an affair with her best friend while she was in care. A whistleblower said that when food was withheld from an elderly man, the nurse allegedly said: "He was going to die anyway and this way it would make it quicker."

Staff were forced to sign confidentiality agreements over the scandal. The whistleblower said the "Genital Friday Club" had been going on "for some months and was known of by quite a few members of staff". A second staff member said at least one nurse took photographs of elderly residents' private parts on an iPhone and asked colleagues to guess who they belonged to.

William Cape's spokesman Tim Allerton, from a public relations firm, said it was unclear how many residents had their genitals photographed in the game. He said relatives of a female and male resident were given a full explanation and apology, which they accepted.

Thieves break into New Zealand prison

Prison breaks usually involve inmates trying to escape, but an unusual variation last night saw thieves break into New Plymouth Prison to make off with a plasma screen television. Police were alerted to the unconventional heist after a fire at the historic central city jail set off sprinklers about 11.50pm. Sergeant Thomas McIntyre said firefighters arrived to find curtains inside an administration building had been deliberately set alight.

Police were called after firefighters noticed a window had been forced open. Mr McIntyre said the only thing stolen was a 50 inch plasma TV. The thieves probably left the area on foot, taking the nearby Huatoki walkway. "If any members of the public saw anyone carrying a big TV at that time of night, or heard or saw anything in the area of the prison, let police know," Mr McIntyre said.

New Plymouth Prison is the oldest operating jail in the country, having been in continuous use since the 1860s when it was converted from an army hospital built for the Taranaki land wars. The level of security at the prison varies from building to building, according to the Corrections Department website.

The old jailhouse is surrounded by a large stone wall topped with razor wire, while a newer unit is surrounded by a fence topped with barbed wire. Security measures include searches, dog teams, electronic security devices, cameras and closed circuit television. The prison accommodates 112 minimum- to high-security prisoners.

Man steals bras for his girlfriend getting out of jail

A man told an Ocala police officer he wanted to do something nice for his girlfriend, who will be released from jail later this month, so he stole two brassieres from Walmart. Johnnie L. Brown, 29, was arrested shortly before 7 p.m. Tuesday and charged with retail petit theft. “She has done so much for me,” Brown said later of the woman who has been his girlfriend for three years, “and I felt I had to support her.”

On Tuesday, a Walmart loss prevention employee noticed a suspicious person in a motorized wheelchair in the infant section, according to a police report. He saw Brown — who said later that one of his feet has been amputated — enter the women’s section and pick up two brassieres. He then went to another section, where police say he stuffed the items into his pants.

The bras were valued at $7 and $13. One was red and the other zebra-striped. Brown went to the self checkout area and paid for some items, but not the brassieres, and then left the store. He was detained by store officials, who called police.

Bail was set at $500, and Brown was released on Wednesday. At the time of his arrest, Brown said, he had $350 in his pocket. But that was rent money, he said, and he had to make it stretch. Times are rough, and sometimes you’ve got to take chances, he said. “I messed up, but I ain’t sorry about it.”

Lourdes pilgrim sues after falling out of wheelchair

A pilgrim who broke her shoulder falling from a wheelchair on a visit to Lourdes is suing the church charity which arranged the trip. Bernadette Barton suffered three fractures when she fell out of the ‘rickety’ chair. The fall came on the last night of her week-long pilgrimage to the French shrine famous for ‘healing’ miracles.

She told Manchester Civil Court she was trying to get out of the wheelchair because her carers had failed to help her. Miss Barton, 58, from Burnage, said she was in ‘terrific pain’ after the fall. She is virtually blind and struggles to walk because of spinal problems. She also suffers from a condition which means she can sleep for only three hours at a time.

The £500 trip to Lourdes was paid for by her church, Catherine of Siena in Didsbury. It was organised by Salford Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees, a registered charity, which arranged carers for the pilgrims on the trip. Miss Barton claims a carer Joyce Mellor pushed her back to her room in a wheelchair, but she was forced to try to get out on her own after being left alone for several minutes.

She fell and injured herself after tripping on a footplate. Miss Barton, who is being represented by Manchester law firm Pannone, is suing the church trustees for negligence over the fall, in August 2007. She claims they failed to provide help for her to get out of the wheelchair, to put the brakes on properly and to remove the footplates, causing her to try to get out of the wheelchair on her own. The trustees deny her claim.

Archie is Britain’s first mouse detection dog

A Welsh company is giving cats a run for their money when it comes to mouse control. Felines have traditionally ruled the roost when it comes to tackling mice problems, but now detection dog company Wagtail UK could give canines the upper hand.

Wagtail, based near Holywell, has trained Britain’s first mouse detection dog – Archie, a three-year-old springer spaniel – for the pest control section of UK property management giant Mitie. Wagtail head of training Louise Wilson said: “Mice are not that hard to find.

“The trick is to find out how and where they are getting into a building, whether it’s an office, a warehouse, a supermarket or a cinema. That was the challenge for us and it has taken more than a year to train Archie, compared to the three months it normally takes to train a dog to detect something.

“It has been really complicated and very intensive, but now Archie is trained and is ready to go out in the field with his handler.” That handler is Alan Johnson, who reckons he’s now the only person using a mouse detection dog in the UK: “I’m pretty unique in that respect,” he said.

Lady Gaga takes on Baby Gaga in breast milk ice-cream battle

The planet's most flamboyantly dressed pop star is threatening legal action against British manufacturers of the world's most bizarrely flavoured ice-cream. Lady Gaga has told a store in Covent Garden, central London, to stop selling its latest brand, Baby Gaga – ice-cream made from human breast milk, blended with vanilla pods and lemon.

The US singer, whose last entanglement with foodstuffs involved wearing a dress stitched together from raw meat to an awards ceremony, appears unaware that the product she complained about disappeared off the company's shelves last week. The day after it went on sale inspectors from Westminster council's food standards department confiscated the remaining scoops of Baby Gaga to check whether it met hygiene requirements.

Matt O'Connor, owner of the newly opened Icecreamists parlour, said he felt like a man "wielding two spoons engaged in hand-to-hand combat". Lady Gaga's letter, he said, "described me as the 'controlling mind' behind the ice-cream, which makes me sound like Blofeld, in a James Bond movie, bent on global domination. A global superstar has taken umbrage at what she describes as a 'nausea-inducing' product. This from a woman with a penchant for wearing rotting cows' flesh. At least our customers are still alive when they contribute to our 'art'.

"She claims we have 'ridden the coattails' of her reputation. As someone who has … recycled on an industrial scale the entire back catalogue of pop culture to create her look, music and videos, she might want to reconsider this allegation. How can she possibly claim ownership of the word 'gaga' which since the dawn of time has been one of the first discernable phrases to come from a baby's mouth?"