Friday, January 20, 2012

Sartorial elegance

Gentleman goes for jog along beach

LiveLeak link.

Meanwhile in India

Here are a family of six people and two dogs travelling on a motorbike.

YouTube link.

Seagull with head trapped in power lines rescued

A seagull stuck in power lines was freed by Nova Scotia Power lineman Yvon Blin.

The whole thing happened on Topsail Boulevard in Dartmouth on Tuesday.

YouTube link.

Couple arrested after trying to blow up car with flaming tampons

Armed with flaming tampons, two young Pennsylvanians attempted to blow up a vehicle after severely vandalising it, according to police. The bizarre January 7 incident outside a bar in Metal Township resulted in the arrest of Patricia Deshong, 25, and Quentin Deshong, 22, on a variety of charges, including attempted arson, public drunkenness, and criminal mischief.

According to State Police troopers, the Deshongs seriously damaged a 2006 Ford Fusion, which had its windshield and windows either cracked or broken, was covered with dents, and had blood on the front passenger seat. The car’s bonnet was also open and various hoses had been disconnected.

As for the flaming tampons, a probable cause affidavit notes that investigators “discovered that the petrol cap was removed and tampons were used to possibly ignite the tank." Additionally, “Tampon was used in the engine compartment where the oil fill cap is located.” Since “ashes were at the gas cap area and the oil fill cap area,” troopers concluded that the tampons had been set ablaze at each spot.

The affidavit does not indicate why the Deshongs allegedly vandalised the vehicle, which is owned by Falon Clark. When the Deshongs arrived at the police station, troopers reported, Patricia “made threats stating that she was going to f*cking kill” a trooper following her release. As a result, she was charged with making terroristic threats. The Deshongs spent a few days behind bars before they each posted $25,000 bond to secure their release last Tuesday.

Mother arrested after allowing her 10-year-old son to get a tattoo

A Cobb County mother has been charged with misdemeanor child cruelty after she allegedly let her 10-year-old son get a tattoo in memory of his deceased brother. Chuntera Napier, of Acworth, said that her 12-year-old son, Malik, was struck and killed by a motorist in Macon about two years ago, and her other son, Gaquan, wanted a tattoo like hers to remember his older brother by.

“My son came to me and said, ‘Mama, I want to get a tattoo with Malik on it, rest in peace,'” Napier said. “It made me feel good to know to know that he wanted his brother on him.” She said she did not know it is illegal in Georgia to tattoo anyone under the age of 18. “What do I say to a child who wants to remember his brother? It’s not like he’s asking me if can I get him a Sponge Bob,” she said. “He’s asking me for something that’s in remembrance of his brother. Well, how do I tell a child no?”

Napier took her son to a tattoo artist in Smyrna. When the child went to school, someone noticed the tattoo and called authorities. The mother was arrested on Tuesday and spent that day and Wednesday morning in jail. In addition to the child cruelty count, she was charged with being a party to a crime. She has since been released to await a March court hearing. “I always thought if a parent gives consent, then it’s fine,” Napier said. “How can somebody else say it’s not OK? He’s my child, and I have a right to say what I want for my child.”

Acworth police Chief Mike Wilkie disagreed. He said that police had no choice but to arrest Napier after investigating and consulting with the Cobb County District Attorney’s Office and Solicitor’s Office. “We hope they can find something that can sustain them through that loss, but this is not the way, and it is illegal, and it was something we were bound by the law to investigate and to prosecute,” Wilkie said. Police now want to speak with the person who allegedly applied the tattoo to Gaquan.

With news video.

Prosthetic leg puts lamb back on its feet

Carmen the lamb at Animal Place, an animal sanctuary in California is back on her feet with the help of a prosthetic leg. A prosthetics doctor at Grass Valley Hangar donated the metal and plastic leg, which is similar to what would be used on a small child.

An Animal Place veterinarian said a neighbour had seen Carmen hobbling around with a broken leg for two weeks. Animal Place convinced her owners to give her to them. By that time, it was too late to save the leg, so doctors were forced to amputate it.

"Someone saw this baby lamb suffering immensely and they didn't just turn away," Animal Place's Marji Beach said. "They turned compassion into action."

The lamb wears the prosthetic leg for a a few hours a day, and is relearning how to walk with it. She'll need another leg as she grows, and the Grass Valley Hangar doctor said he's willing to help out when she needs a new one.

With news video.

Texan fire crew in hotel tiger alert

The fire department in Houston, Texas, received several calls about a tiger on the roof of an abandoned hotel.

But they soon discovered it was just a large, stuffed toy.

Officers removed the tiger, saying it posed a hazard because drivers kept stopping to look at it.


Heart specialist of over 30 years exposed as carpenter

A bogus doctor who operated as a heart specialist for more than 30 years has been exposed as a carpenter without a single medical qualification to his name.

Self-styled expert Vladimiro Colloca, 58, is understood to have been consulted by thousands of patients around Milan, Italy, in three decades of posing as a cardiac specialist, say prosecutors.

He was caught out when some of his patients mentioned him in consultations with real heart experts, who had never heard of him.

Police are now investigating his extensive patient records to establish if any of them died or suffered as a result of his treatment.

UK admits fake rock plot to spy on Russians

The UK was behind a plot to spy on Russians with a device hidden in a fake plastic rock, a former key UK government official has admitted. Jonathan Powell, former chief of staff to prime minister Tony Blair, has now admitted that allegations made by the Russians in 2006 - dismissed at the time - were in fact true. "The spy rock was embarrassing," he said. "They had us bang to rights. Clearly they had known about it for some time and had been saving it up for a political purpose." A diplomatic row was sparked six years ago after Russian state television broadcast a film claiming British agents had hidden a sophisticated transmitter inside a fake rock left on a Moscow street.

It accused embassy officials of allegedly downloading classified data from the transmitter using palm-top computers. The TV report showed a video of a man slowing his pace and glancing down at the rock before walking quickly away; another man was shown kicking the rock, while another walked by and picked it up. The Russian security service, the FSB, broadcast X-rays of a hollowed-out rock filled with circuitry and accused four British men and one Russian of using it to download information. The FSB alleged that British security services were making secret payments to pro-democracy and human rights groups. Soon after the incident, then President Vladimir Putin forced the closure of many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) after introducing a law restricting them from receiving funding from foreign governments.

"We have seen attempts by the secret services to make use of NGOs. NGOs have been financed through secret service channels. No one can deny that this money stinks," said Putin. "This law has been adopted to stop foreign powers interfering in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation." Britain's ambassador in Moscow at the time, Tony Brenton, denied the government had been involved in covert activities. "All of our activities with the NGOs were completely above board," he said. "They were on our website, the sums of money, the projects. All of that was completely public."

YouTube link.

The revelation comes at a sensitive time, with Putin renewing attacks on human rights and opposition activists as hostility to his premiership grows. He has repeatedly accused the west, namely the US, of using activists to plot to bring regime change to Russia. "Putin, as a former spy and KGB agent, is trying to discredit us with the only methods he knows," said Lev Ponomaryov, a prominent human rights activist. "For any thinking person this rock meant nothing – it was simply a provocation, a cheap trick used by a former KGB agent."At the time Blair attempted to play down the allegations, and the Foreign Office denied any irregular relations with Russian NGOs. When asked about the incident, Blair smiled as he told journalists: "I think the less said about that, the better."

Former police officer in naked car chase

A former police constable who was jailed after leading ex-colleagues on a car chase down one-way streets – wearing only a pair of training shoes – has failed in a Court of Appeal bid for freedom. Andrew Stuart Easterby, 30, sped off when officers spotted him driving naked around Scarborough in the early hours of April 25 last year. The former Scarborough constable, of Lawns Farm Green, Leeds, had been on a visit to the town with a girlfriend and had shed his clothes in preparation for a back-seat romp with the woman.

Last month, following a guilty plea to dangerous driving, Easterby, who had previously resigned from the force following a drink-drive incident, was jailed for six months at York Crown Court. He appealed, complaining that his time in prison is much harder than for other criminals because of his past employment, but had his case rejected by top judges. Lawyers for Easterby told the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, sitting with Mr Justice Holman and Mr Justice Openshaw, that he had already suffered in prison.

Within days of his being jailed, razor blades had been put into his food and he had to be moved to a separate wing, where he was in almost complete isolation. But, giving judgment, Mr Justice Openshaw said the driving had been very serious, involving him driving down five one-way streets and turning off his lights. He eventually stopped and parked the car, leaving the woman inside, and was found by police hiding behind a bin, with nothing but a pair of trainers to cover his blushes. He admitted driving off because he recognised the policemen who had stopped him and was embarrassed at being caught naked in the car.

Mr Justice Openshaw said: “It is, in our judgment, plainly a seriously aggravating factor that the dangerous driving took place in the context of a police chase. It is true there was no accident and no one was knocked down, but that it largely a matter of chance. There were a number of passers-by about and the danger was materially increased by his driving down so many one-way streets. Accordingly, we have come to the conclusion that this short sentence of imprisonment was correct in principle.” The appeal was dismissed.

'Bleeped' word wins Countdown points

A contestant on the popular Countdown afternoon television show, Mark Murphy, turned the air blue with his vocabulary after he spelt and named a six letter swear word. The IT consultant formed the word ''w-----'' from available letters RAEPKWAEN when he appeared on the pre-recorded Channel 4 programme. Judges eventually awarded six points for the word because it is in the dictionary.

The contestant, from Edinburgh, left new host Nick Hewer, 67, momentarily lost for words as he came up with his word among his nine consonants and vowels. After 30 seconds of pondering, Mr Murphy stifled laughter as he told the host amid cackles from the studio audience and which also left viewers surprised. It was bleeped out. "Right, and, um, Nick?" asked Hewer as he turned to Mr Murphy's opponent Nick Evans.

Mr Evans suggested the eight letter word "weakener" but he was found to be short of a necessary third ''e''. Hewer, who managed to keep a straight face throughout, asked expert Susie Dent, in dictionary corner: ''Where does Mark stand on this?'' and was told: '''He stands fine on this, absolutely, it's in the dictionary. We must allow it.''

YouTube link.

Hewer, who became the fifth presenter of what is Channel 4's longest-running show when he took over at the start of the year, replied: "Jolly good". Co-host, Rachel Riley, did not spell it out on the board. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as "British vulgar slang. A contemptible person".

Three-year-old dialled 999 to help drunk babysitter

A three-year-old boy dialled 999 for help after his drunk babysitter consumed more than a bottle of wine. The boy was so concerned about Jacqueline Campbell's condition that he managed to call the emergency services. He used Campbell's mobile phone to report her to the police and was able to open the door to the officers when they arrived after midnight.

Perth Sheriff Court was told on Thursday that Campbell was "clearly drunk" but she confirmed to the police that it had been the toddler who had called them for help. Fiscal depute Carol Whyte said: "At half past midnight police attended in response to a 999 call they had received. The accused said it was the boy who had made the telephone call.”

The court was told that 40-year-old Campbell had drunk more than a bottle of wine and became aggressive towards the officers who arrived. Ms Whyte added: "The police gave suggestions and advice to the accused and at that she picked up a glass from the kitchen and threw it towards PC Strawson. The glass hit the ground beside the officer and smashed." Campbell, from Perth, admitted assaulting PC Isobel Strawson by throwing a glass at her at Kenmore Street, Aberfeldy, Perthshire, on October 16, 2010.

Solicitor Paul Ralph, defending, said Campbell had previously been a talented golfer but her life had spiralled out of control and she sometimes went to "dark places". Sheriff Lindsay Foulis told Campbell: "You clearly have issues. If you offend further you are limiting the options I, or any of my colleagues, have with regard to sentence." He placed her on probation for 18 months and ordered her to undertake drug and alcohol counselling, as well as getting psychiatric treatment if required.

Shameless sex scene played in background during live political debate

A television debate on the future of the Labour Party was disturbed by a sex scene. A naked blonde woman appeared on a monitor in the background of a news discussion on Ed Miliband's leadership of the Labour party on Tuesday night.

The scene, from Channel 4 drama Shameless, appeared on screen for a number of seconds as host John MacKay interviewed Labour blogger Dan Hodges. Mr Hodges, a critic of Mr Miliband's leadership, was in ITN's London studio and was debating with shadow Scottish minister Willie Bain on STV's Scotland Tonight programme.

The broadcaster apologised for the mistake after Paul Traynor, a viewer, made a formal complaint. Mr Traynor said: “Is this really what we’ve come to expect of Scottish journalism? Someone should explain why, while watching the political debate with John Mackay about Ed Miliband, some irresponsible employee decided to watch porn in the studio while live on TV.”

YouTube link.

A spokesman for the channel said: "We hope viewers weren't distracted by the unexpected content." A channel source said: "Nobody even spotted the scene until we received a complaint and played back the video. It’s unfortunate but in a busy newsroom we have monitors showing the various TV channels. The show was on after the watershed but we will try not to let it happen again.”

Man took his dead mother home on bus

A grieving son took his mother’s dead body on a bus journey after she died on the way home from a day out. The 52-year-old man had spent the day in Lancaster with his 88-year-old mother, when it is believed she died on the bus back to Preston. Police said the son then waited at Preston Bus Station with his mum’s body in a wheelchair, before boarding another bus to Chorley, where she lived.

He got off the Stagecoach 125 service at Chorley Interchange at around 8.30pm on Monday, and fellow passengers saw him leave the station after being challenged by a security guard, who then raised the alarm. Soon afterwards he was stopped by police in Friday Street and an ambulance was called. The woman was pronounced dead at the scene and police said the death was not being treated as suspicious.

A spokesman for Lancashire Police, said: “Our CCTV picked it up, we became aware of a man pushing a lady through the street in Chorley. The ambulance was called and sadly this woman was pronounced dead. It was investigated but was deemed to be non-suspicious. We spoke to a number of people at the time, we were there for several hours. It is very tragic. This man has lost his mother and was struggling to know how to deal with it.” A man who also travelled on the bus said he saw a security guard follow the man at Chorley Interchange.

He said: “I was not paying attention, I did not realise until I got off the bus and the security guard was asking ‘Does she need an ambulance? Is she okay?’ He just ran of along the bus station and the security guard chased after him. The bus driver was with him. I was shocked when I found out the lady was dead, I had not noticed but it was the security guard who said ‘I think she has passed away’.