Friday, September 21, 2012

Fish out of water

Pig rescues drowning baby goat

YouTube link.

Via Say OMG.

Kangaroo puts a stop to deer running circuits

I don't think the lemur knows what's occurring. And the cat and birds don't care.

YouTube link.

Man knocked unconscious by falling mattress

A student was knocked unconscious when a mattress fell from a building in the middle of New York’s financial district. Jesse Scott Owen, 18,  was hit by a futon mattress near Wall Street on Lower Manhattan.

A witness says the mattress flew off the roof terrace of a nearby building and fell over 30 storeys before hitting Mr Owen on the head. Mr Owen, said his sense of humour helped him overcome the neck and back pain he suffered from the futon mattress, which knocked him out cold on Broad St. at about 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday.

“This was the most absurd thing that ever happened to me,” he said. Owen, who moved to the city three weeks ago from Florida to attend King’s College in lower Manhattan, said he was on his way to a lecture when he suddenly lost consciousness.

“I woke up and people were putting me on the mattress,” he said. “I asked where the mattress came from and they said, ‘You were knocked out by it.’” The mattress may have fallen in windy weather from the rooftop spa of the Setai Wall Street at 40 Broad St. After the incident, passersby tended to Owen until emergency workers arrived.

Police think man with bags of women's and girls' underwear and pornography in his hat is suspect

Police are seeking information regarding a 30-year-old Glendale, California, man who was allegedly in possession of more than a dozen pieces of women’s and girls’ underwear.

Detectives believe the man, Fernando Oureoles, stole underwear because he gave inconsistent statements when questioned about having the clothing, Glendale Police Sgt. Tom Lorenz said. Police are asking anyone who has noticed that some of their clothing and undergarments have gone missing to notify them. “He had several stories as to why he was in possession of these things,” Lorenz added.

Oureoles was arrested at about 2:30 a.m. on Sept. 12 on suspicion of possessing methamphetamine and receiving stolen property for the 14 pieces of women’s underwear, six bras, four pieces of children’s underwear, two women’s bathing suits, two children’s dolls, women’s clothing and 40 pages of magazine pornography. Officers stopped him when he was walking against a crosswalk and he told them he was headed to his cousin’s home, but couldn’t provide the address. He allegedly was sweaty and appeared nervous.

During a pat down, police found pornographic photos hidden inside his hat . When officers searched a backpack and two bags, which contained the underwear, they also found 3-foot bandage tape, hair conditioner, a knife and watch. He allegedly told police the women’s clothing and undergarments belonged to his girlfriend, but she told officers she “had no clue” who owned the items and didn’t know why Oureoles was walking around Glendale at that hour, Lorenz said. Officers discovered methamphetamine hidden in the tongue of his tennis shoes.

Woman accused of shoplifting beer, feminine cream and Alka-Seltzer

A woman's grocery shopping trip ended at the Land O' Lakes jail after deputies say she tried to walk out of a Holiday Sweetbay without paying for her beer, feminine cream and heartburn tablets.

According to a Pasco County complaint affidavit, Janet Lynnette Dolinger of Holiday, Florida, was observed concealing a four-pack of a Budweiser, Vagisil Cream and a packet of Alka Seltzer in her purse before leaving through the store's front entrance on Wednesday.

She was stopped by a Sweetbay loss prevention outisde the store and detained until deputies arrived, according to the report.

Dolinger, 50, was charged with shoplifting. She remains in the Land O' Lakes jail.

Man arrested for shoving green tomato in wife's mouth

60-year-old Dennis Eskew of Bozeman, Montana, has been arrested for partner/family member assault after police say he shoved a green tomato in his wife's mouth.

On Monday, Sept. 17, Eskew's wife called 911 saying that Eskew threw her down to the floor and was throwing things at her. When Gallatin Co. Sheriff's deputy, Cindy Crawford, arrived on scene, Eskew's wife said she and her husband had been arguing and he shoved an unripe green tomato into her mouth so far that she "started to gag reflex."

The wife said he also pushed her to the floor and kneed her in the abdomen. The wife told Crawford the incident "terrified" her and said, "I was afraid of him really hurting me."

Eskew told Crawford that the couple had been arguing. He said, "I got tired of hearing her scream so I stuffed a tomato in her mouth." When asked why he did this, he replied, "mostly to shut her up." However, he did deny pushing her to the ground. Eskew is in the Gallatin County jail, being held on $500 bond.

Lovelorn man makes roundabout van proposal

A romantic van man has made a very public marriage proposal in a bid to haul back his runaway sweetheart. For the lovesick driver subtly posted his heartfelt appeal to Linda in big orange letters down the entire side of a silver VW Crafter – left next to the busy A6072 at Shildon, County Durham.

Drivers heading to work were amazed to see the roadside Romeo’s passionate prose – leaving many wondering just how he had upset Linda and whether he can successfully deliver her down the aisle. Michelle Terrington, who works at nearby Redworth Services, said: “It’s quite strange and it’s a bit funny. It must have cost a lot to put all of the signage on the van.  I’ve never seen anything like it before and everyone keeps asking if we know Linda.”

The van was parked close to a roundabout near the George Reynolds Industrial Estate – not exactly the most idyllic spot for a drive-by betrothal.  In a bid to transport Linda back to his arms, the message begins with an apology and continues: “I’m a fool and an idiot sometimes. I love you with all my heart! Please come home and put this right. We miss you!! I miss us. I want to grow old with you. Will you marry me?”

His lovelorn appeal certainly intrigued Annie Ollie. She said: “I saw the message driving past the roundabout on my way to work.  I noticed the van had a proposal on when everyone started slowing down. He’s clearly a heartbroken man.” Harvey Jayne added: “When I saw it on my way into work I thought it was quite good – it’s definitely a new way of saying sorry. He’s got to have done something very wrong. Everyone’s talking about them now.”

Camera found on seabed reunited with owners

A camera with more than 800 family photographs which was found on the seabed off Cornwall has been returned to its owners. The Samsung camera was among 30kg (66lb) of rubbish collected by divers on an underwater beach-clean off Falmouth. Rachel McGahan recognised the photographs when the story was featured on a local BBC News programme.

Images from SWNS.

"All the memories we thought were gone have now been brought back to us," her husband Paul McGahan said. The McGahans live in Helston with their four children Rosie, 18, Brandon, 15, Maddie, 10 and five-year-old Myia. The family had recently returned from a holiday in Florida, but the photographs had not been downloaded from the camera Mr McGahan was on a day's sailing trip on a friend's yacht in July with Maddie and Myia, when Maddie dropped the camera.

"She wanted to take some pictures from the front of the yacht looking back, but the boat rocked at just the wrong time and the camera fell from her hand and bounced off the deck into the water. I actually saw it float past and thought 'it's gone forever'," he said. "Maddie was properly distraught and although I told her it was just an accident, she was in tears." Mr McGahan said the camera held all their recent photographs of a trip to the Harry Potter theme park in Florida, which he had not downloaded.

"The camera can be replaced, but our cherished memories can't, so Rachel and I are convinced someone's been watching over us," he said. Mrs McGahan was at work at RNAS Culdrose when she saw the BBC News story on the guard room television. The diver who found the camera, Mark Milburn from the Atlantic Scuba diving centre in Falmouth, said he was amazed to discover the undamaged images when the camera card dried out. "I'm just so glad the family have their memories back. It's the right ending - a happy ending," he said.

There's a news video here.

Parrot owner has heart attack after theft

A woman suffered a heart attack after finding thieves had stolen her pet parrot. Lois White, 61, returned home to Tredworth in Gloucester to find her African grey parrot missing.

While she was with the police she started experiencing chest pains and paramedics were called. The family is desperate to be reunited with six-year-old Jasper, who is described as "very nervous" but also has an "outstanding vocabulary".

Phrases used by the parrot include: "Do you want some porridge?", "Cup of Tea", "Trick or Treat", "Merry Christmas", "Naughty boy Oscar, naughty boy" and "Don't be so stupid". Mrs White said: "We have never been parted from him. He is totally, completely, and utterly part of the family. It's like having your arms cut off to have him missing like this and I am very fearful for his safety because he is a very nervous bird."

She was told stress had brought on the heart attack which came as a "complete shock" and was "very frightening". Mrs White spent six days being treated in Bristol Royal Infirmary and returned home earlier this week. Gloucestershire Police have appealed for any information or witnesses.

More information here.

Foxes feast on cabaret dancers' Louboutins

Foxes are being blamed for ruining thousands of pounds of cabaret dancers’ Louboutin shoes. Bosses claim the animals ran wild backstage at night in the new temporary Crazy Horse venue on the South Bank in London, gnawing 10 pairs of high heels and biting off straps.

The costume team is trying to repair some of the £1,000-a-pair shoes but several were destroyed, said producer Nick Zuppar. He added: “We have four foxes on site and can do nothing to stop them running wild. We’ve had to hire a guard to sit here with a dog through the night to scare them off.

“We arrived in the morning to find shoes all over the stage. At first I thought they were just the cheap ballet shoes, then I realised that the foxes picked the most expensive pink Louboutins. They must be very discerning. Our costume designer had a breakdown.” One of the foxes was caught and will be kept in a cage until the end of the production.

Trafalgar Square falconer David van Vynck said he was not surprised to hear that foxes are targeting the South Bank. “You can find urban foxes pretty much everywhere in London now. They have become more of a problem in the past 10 or 15 years and are more at ease around humans now.” Crazy Horse opened its Forever Crazy show, produced by Harvey Goldsmith, on Tuesday night. The erotic cabaret in the purpose-built Spiegeltent will continue its run until December 16.

Man accused of causing fear and alarm by being aggressive with a black pudding

A 47-year-old man has appeared before Perth Sheriff court accused of causing fear and alarm by being aggressive with a black pudding.

Bradley Davidson is alleged to have behaved in a threatening and abusive manner before hurling the blood sausage across a room.  Mr Davidson denied the charge and the case will be heard next month.

He is alleged to have behaved "in a threatening or abusive manner which was likely to cause a reasonable person to suffer fear and alarm in that you did act in an aggressive manner, shout and throw a black pudding across the room".

The incident is alleged to have taken place in Mr Davidson's flat in Perth, on 13 May this year. Procurator fiscal depute Stuart Richardson told the court that the Crown were prepared for trial and the case was continued until 16 October.

Unhappy KFC customer went on deranged rampage after being refused a bargain bucket

A KFC restaurant was driven into and two vehicles, including a police car, were repeatedly rammed when staff refused to serve a bargain bucket to an irate ‘drive-though’ customer because they were closed. Hugh Brown, 50, flipped out and went on the rampage with his car when staff at KFC in Oakley Road, Corby refused to serve him. He was jailed for seven years for a “psychotic and deranged” outburst which one of officers described as the worst he had witnessed in 19 years. Northampton Crown Court heard Brown drove his car through the front window of KFC, threatened staff before driving off. When he realised he was being followed by an off-duty police officer, he rammed his car, and when police arrived on the scene, he repeatedly drove into it. Brown snapped when staff refused to serve him 20 minutes after they had closed. And when asked why he had lost his temper, Brown said: “I only did it because they wouldn’t give me a bargain bucket.”

Adrian Harris, prosecuting, said the KFC branch closed at 11pm on March 22 and four members of staff were cleaning up when Brown arrived at the drive-through at 11.20pm, asking to be served. He said: “With the lights off, it was obviously shut. The defendant got out of the car and walked up to the window. He was very angry. He wanted to eat and his anger was apparently because they were closed.” Brown, of Llewellyn Walk, Corby shouted abuse at the staff, made threats and then got into his Peugeot 406. Mr Harris said: “He appeared to drive off, but the defendant did not drive away. He drove straight at the large window at the front and drove through the window in the style of a ram-raid. The only things that stopped him driving fully inside were the tables, bolted to the floor. The defendant revved again and got out of his car. He grabbed a huge metal pole that was part ofthe window frame, climbed through the smashed window, walked up to the counter and threatened a member of staff, who said he wanted to fight outside. The defendant damaged a TV monitor using the pole, then threw is across the counter towards the staff like a javelin. He said ‘I’ll be back in five minutes with a group’.”

YouTube link. Longer video.

He drove off but was spotted by off-duty PC John Cummins who thought a ram raid was in progress, called 999 and decided to follow him. However, Brown soon realised he was being followed. Mr Harris said: “The defendant drove straight into PC Cummin’s car, then reversed away and drove into it again. PC Cummins had retreated to about 12 feet away to a nearby alleyway. Fortunately, there was a concrete bollard between him and the defendant because the defendant drove at him quickly with high revs and his tyres smoking. The defendant then smashed twice more into his car.” Mr Harris said a marked police car, containing PCs Ruth Hay and Neil Ochalek, arrived and saw Brown in his car, He said: “PC Hay stopped about five metres away from him. he looked at them and laughed. The defendant drove at them and shunted them backwards.” As PC Ochalek got out of the car, Brown rammed it again. Mr Harris said: “PC Hay was terrified and thought at the time he was trying to kill her. She pressed her emergency button as the defendant was looking at her and laughing. He laughed throughout and to her, he looked ‘psychotic and deranged’.” When the air bag in the police car deployed, PC Hay was trapped in the car while Brown twice more rammed his vehicle into the police car with her still inside. After the fourth collision, she was able to open the door and ran off, but Brown again drove into the police car.

Brown then decamped and threatened to take on the officers but ran off and once other police arrived, he was found hiding on a garage roof. It took pepper spray and more officers to finally subdue him, as he threatened: “I’ve got Hep C, I’ll spit on you.” Mr Harris added: “PC Hay was petrified and truly in fear for her life. PC Cummins was left shaking and was still shaking when he wrote his statement. He believed the defendant was bent on destruction and in his 19 years as a policeman said he has seen nothing like it.” Brown pleaded guilty to affray, damaging property, dangerous driving and attempted grievous bodily harm with intent. Judge Lynn Tayton QC jailed him for seven years and banned him from driving until September 2018. She said: “Throughout this incident, you were described as laughing and in a strange state. You used a car as a weapon and intended to cause more harm that actually resulted, This matter is aggravated because it was an offence committed against a police officer in a car. You are very lucky nobody was very seriously injured.” Maxine Krone, mitigating, said Brown was taking 13 types of medication at the time for an anxiety disorder. When faced with the option of fight or flight, he had decided to fight, she added.

Jail for pirate lady who stole passenger ferry

A drunken woman stole a passenger ferry on the River Dart in Devon and shouted 'I'm Jack Sparrow' and 'I'm a pirate' as she drifted away from police on the shore. Alison Whelan, 51, had been on a two-day bender drinking Lambrini and eating hallucinogenic plants when she sought late-night shelter with a companion on the Dart Princess Passenger Ferry. When police arrived to speak to her she unmoored the 45ft vessel from the Kingswear pontoon and set off up the river. Magistrates didn't see the funny side of her hour-long drunken escapade, which left several boats damaged and involved 30 members of the emergency services landing the tax payer with a hefty bill, as Whelan was sent to jail.

The court in Torquay was told that Whelan and her friend Tristam Locke could be heard laughing and shouting from the deck 'what are you going to do now?' and 'I believe this is out of your jurisdiction' as they breezed away. They carried on screaming abuse as the vessel trundled up the Dart bumping into other boats 'like a pinball machine', oblivious to the damage they were causing. Whelan, formerly of Oxford Street, Dartmouth and now of Totnes Road, Paignton, was sent to jail for 112 days after being found guilty of aggravated vehicle taking. The incident happened in the early hours of September 10 last year when paramedics were called to the boat by Whelan who feared she was having a seizure.

When they got there they found the defendant 'rambling' and obviously drunk while Locke became abusive and pushed one of the medics over. Ambulance technician Peter Jordan said he and his colleague waited in their vehicle a few yards away from the ferry for police to arrive. As they watched through the wing mirror the ferry started to move. "We saw it drifting down the estuary," Mr Jordan said. "I heard a female voice saying they were pirates and asking what are we going to do now?" When police arrived they asked where the suspects were to be told they were 200 yards away and heading towards dozens of other moored vessels. Whelan later told police she untied two or three of the ropes connecting the boat to the shore because she kept tripping over them. She said before she knew it she felt the boat moving and 'noticed the hotels getting a long way away'. Police joined lifeboat crew on the river trying to intercept the boat. The harbour master was also alerted.

But the errant suspects shouted abuse from the out-of-control boat and made jokes about being kidnapped. Police watched as the vessel span into a £70,000 fibreglass catamaran called Force Majeure causing £300 of damage and a moored vessel called Tomcat. It finally came to rest in still water about a mile or so upstream. When arrested Whelan said they would have ended up in St Tropez if they hadn't been caught. She admitted that she and Locke had been on a drinking spree around Torbay and she had consumed deadly nightshade, which is poisonous and caused her to hallucinate. She admitted she could get a 'bit cocky' when drunk but said she panicked when she saw the police. Magistrates had to decide whether Whelan, a chronic alcoholic who is awaiting a liver transplant, unhitched all the ropes knowing she would float away. She denied the charge but magistrates found her guilty and she was also in breach of a four-month suspended sentence.