Thursday, October 11, 2012


Dog really wants stick

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 Via Tastefully Offensive.

Don't worry we'll catch you


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Man ejected from bar for having a mullet

It has long been a controversial fashion - but now debate on the merits of the mullet has been reignited after an Australian man claims he was ejected from one of Perth's newest bars because of his hairstyle.

Having sported his mullet for almost a decade, David Hoogland said he was surprised when bouncers told him to leave Print Hall's rooftop bar on Friday night. He had been drinking with fiancee Sarah Sorgiovanni and friends and said his hair had never been an issue before. "I'm not in a gang, I don't have tattoos all over me, I'm just an everyday person," Mr Hoogland said.

"I agree if you're being rowdy, out of control, drunk or abusive then you should be kicked out but if you're just sitting down having a chat and a quiet social drink, I think that's pretty rude." Wearing jeans, T-shirt and dress shoes, Mr Hoogland said he had been inside half an hour. When he asked why he had to leave, he said he was told it was because of his hair.

Print Hall management did not respond to requests for comment. Print Hall chief executive Lyndon Waples declined to comment. Under WA law, venues are free to set dress codes and refuse entry to patrons but cannot discriminate on the basis of sex, race or religion. Most inner-city bars contacted said they had a dress code, though it varied between venues and there were few hard and fast rules.

There's an audio interview with Mr Hoogland on this page.

Man arrested after fight with stop sign

A New Mexico man is behind bars after putting up a long, hard fight against multiple officers and a stop sign. Police were called to the intersection of Main Street and West Deming in Roswell after someone saw the man in what they called an altercation with a stop sign.

Police said when they approached Raymond Garcia, 45, he became belligerent and ran from officers. Two officers shot Garcia with Taser darts, but said he continued kicking at them as they got closer. When darted again, Garcia jumped up and broke off the Taser leads from his stomach. One officer tried to use his baton, but somehow Garcia got hold of it and tried to use it against the officers.

At that point, police deployed pepper spray, but even that didn't stop Garcia. Responding officers said he wiped the pepper spray off his face and continued running while throwing the officer's baton at them. "Usually when somebody is tased, their muscles contract and don't allow them to do anything, and that's why you normally see them fall to the ground," explained Sabrina Morales, of the Roswell Police Department.

YouTube link.

"So this person, Garcia, had to be on some sort of drug possibly that was not allowing his system to react normally." Garcia finally fell to the ground, and three officers were able to cuff and arrest him at around 2:30 am on Friday. Although police suspect he was on drugs, they did not find any on him.  Garcia is being held at the Chaves County Detention Center and charged with aggravated assault against a peace officer, disarming, and resisting officers.

Man shot kitty litter to test gun was still working

Firing a couple of shots into kitty litter can have some unfortunate consequences. David Ciullo, 53, found that out the hard way the evening of Oct. 1. He was arrested after at least seven Fort Pierce, Florida, police officers were dispatched to shooting activity at his address.

It was about 8:15 pm when the officers went to his home, positioning themselves around the residence. Ciullo came to the door, and officers went inside to see whether anyone needed immediate medical care stemming from the gunfire.  "I shoot the gun once in a while to test it out," Ciullo is quoted as saying.

He said the gun was behind his bed and that he fired it "three times in the cat box." A 9mm pistol was behind Ciullo's bed, and three cartridge casings were found in kitty litter in the backyard. A neighbour stated he heard three shots. "He continued to state this happens randomly every week or two while occasionally intoxicated," the report states.

Meanwhile, police determined Ciullo has two felony convictions in 2011. "I shoot the gun every six months to make sure it is working," Ciullo said while being taken to jail. "I just shot into the kitty litter, what crime is that?" Ciullo was arrested on charges including possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and discharging a firearm in public.

Schoolgirl given a third eye in class photo awarded compensation

When Swedish sixth grader Tilde Nörgaard opened her recently-delivered school class photo album, she was shocked to discover her picture showed with one eye too many. “First everyone was laughing, Tilde too, because we thought it was funny,” Tilde’s sister Anna said. “But then we noticed it made her sad and we realized it was actually quite bad that they never noticed the mistake.”

The photo-fixing foul-up was discovered following the distribution two weeks ago of the annual photo album for students at Månesköld school in Lidköping in central Sweden. According to Tilde, there was nothing unusual at the actual picture-taking session, during which the photographer took several snaps of each class at the school. But during the processing of the pics, something went wrong, resulting in a third eye placed in the middle of Tilde's forehead.

The photography company responsible for the catalogue, Skolfoto Norden, had "no good explanation" for the apparent case of wayward digital manipulation took place. "When we went back and looked at the original picture no one had their eyes closed. There wasn't anything that might need correcting," head of photography David Nabb said. He explained that when students in school pictures have their eyes closed, the company "in emergency situations" sometimes retouches the images by digitally cutting and pasting an eye from another student in the picture.

Despite being unable to explain how Tilde received a third eye in her school photo, the company nevertheless offered her 1,500 kronor (£140, $225) in cash as compensation for the mistake. “She will probably just go shopping with the money,” Tilde's sister Anna speculated when asked what her sister might do with the money. In addition, Skolfoto Norden plans to send out a corrected version of the catalogue in which hopefully all eyes, arms, and ears will be in the right place. "Things like this just can't happen. But in this case it did. It's really embarrassing for us. I'm just happy that Tilde seemed to have taken the whole thing well," said Nabb.

Kidnapped goat returned with pink manicured hooves

Two pranksters stole a goat from a petting zoo in Pacific Beach, San Diego, and later returned it after giving it a pedicure. The entire incident, which occurred at about 2 am on Sunday, was caught on surveillance video. On the video, a woman is seen hopping over a fence at the PB Pumpkin Patch in Pacific Beach to steal a goat.

The owner, Darryl Dadon, said: "[The goat] jumps on your lap and kisses you. He's really sweet." He said the goat receives a lot of attention from visitors and for good reason. "He's really sweet," Dadon said. "He was bottle-fed for the first 6 months of his life. He's almost like a dog."

Workers at the Pumpkin Patch said they can almost understand what happened. "We're OK that we have our goat back," said Dadon. "We're not OK that they jumped the fence and stole our goat." The video shows the woman scooping up the goat, unlocking the fence and running away. An accomplice is seen in the background.

YouTube link.

The next day, the thieves dropped the goat off unharmed. After they dropped off the goat, they left immediately. However, they did dress him up a bit for another day on display with pink painted nails. "[Goats] go to the bathroom a lot," said Dadon. "I can only imagine what their house looks like. It's kind of karma for them." Though the owner does not want to press charges, police said they would still like to ask the thieves a few questions.

Boy hanged himself after little brother wouldn't let him change TV channel

A 13-year-old boy in Bhopal, India, allegedly committed suicide after a row with his younger brother over changing television channels on Saturday evening. The deceased wanted to watch another channel while his brother insisted on watching a cartoon channel.

Upset over younger brother's insistence, the elder brother went to another room and reportedly hanged himself. The deceased, identified as Pandi, was the son of Shetty Rao, a resident of N2, B sector in BHEL township.

His parents had gone to a weekly market. Pandi and with his younger brother, Anees, aged 9, were watching TV at home. According to the police, the dispute began when Anees refused to listen to his elder brother, who wanted to change the channel. Pandi first broke the glass of a cupboard, then went in another room and committed suicide by hanging himself.

The incident came to light when their parents returned. On finding Anees crying, they asked him the reason to which he pointed to the other room. The parents were shocked to find Pandi hanging. Police did not find a suicide note.

Swedish broadcaster remorseful for being overheard referring to black players as 'darkies'

A Swedish sports commentator has come under fire for referring to a football player as a “darkie” (svarting) during a live weekend radio broadcast; however he claims that he didn’t realize he was on air at the time. The reporter, 78-year-old Bo Hansson, did not regret his choice of words either, but was remorseful to learn that it made it to on to the Radiosporten broadcast.

“I’m so old so I have a different background with these kinds of words. Blackie is not disparaging for me. I can say ‘yellow’ about a Chinese person, I could bloody well say 'whitey' too. For me, it’s mostly just a description,” he said. Furthermore, the commentator explained that he wasn’t aware that he was being recorded, as he was merely sitting next to another commentator and was picked up by the microphone. “I was speaking to myself in my corner. It wasn’t meant to go out. I had no idea that it was being transmitted.”

When asked if he understood why there was a public backlash, Hansson responded affirmatively. “Yes, nowadays, it’s clearly very serious. For me it’s not really the same. And it definitely shouldn’t have gone out. I was just sitting and speaking for myself.” The remark came in the 77th minute of the AIK verse Gefle match when Kwame Karikari was substituted for Viktor Lundberg, prompting Hansson to say: “Not another darkie!”

The word was used at least another two times. “There are so many players that are too similar – too many. These are black players who are brought up in the same way and who play in exactly the same style. But adding one more made it even more jumbled. And they lost the match too.” While Hansson refused to apologize to anyone who may have been offended by the comments, he said that he didn’t mean any harm and maintained that he didn’t realize he was being overheard.

Panda cub fooled by zoo workers wearing dodgy panda bear outfits

Keepers wearing slightly unrealistic panda bear outfits were enough to fool the baby panda into thinking he was among friends… and ready to start a new life. Tao Tao, the first captive panda born in a semi-wild reserve in China, has never seen a human face so conservationists wore panda suits to release him and mother Cao Cao into the wild.

The keepers approached the two-year-old carefully and placed him in a wooden box at the panda wild training base. On release, Tao Tao seemed unafraid of the strange figures who walked behind as he took his first steps through his new home in dense bamboo undergrowth high in the mountains in Wolong, in southwest China’s Sichuan Province.

Keepers have always dressed in panda suits while around him in the hope that he would adapt to the wild. When he was six months old he and his mother Cao Cao were moved into a large mountainous area for intensive wild habitat training. This proved a success and the pair were moved to an even wilder area where they had more freedom.

YouTube link.

Over the last few years Tao Tao has been learning all the behaviours pandas need in the wild, such as walking, climbing trees and looking for food. To keep track of him in the wild, and see how well he is adapting, Tao Tao has been fitted with a traceable ID chip and a GPS collar. Following the success of the programme there are now plans to release six more pregnant female pandas into semi wild enclosures.

Meanwhile in Dublin

Six elks stolen from Somerset farm

Six elks have been stolen from a farm in Somerset, possibly for their meat, police have said. Officers said thieves had cut a hole in a boundary fence at Woodentop Farm, near West Coker, and may have used dogs to herd the animals into a truck.

The elks, or moose as they are known in the US, were taken between 4 and 5 October. PC Jackie Poole said she was interested in speaking to anyone who had been approached about elks or elk meat. She added: "This is an unusual theft and would have required a vehicle, and probably quite a bit of time, to complete.

"It is possible that dogs were used to help herd the animals. I would ask people in the area at the time to cast their mind back and see if they remember seeing anything suspicious. I am particularly interested in speaking to anyone who has been approached about elks or elk meat or anyone who saw a vehicle in the area which was capable of stealing these animals."

Woodentop Farm is a rare breeds organic farm, breeding and rearing wild boar, bison and elk for gourmet sausages. Paul Richards, who runs the farm, said: "Luckily we were on site and discovered the fence had been cut. We keep wild boar and bison here and if they'd got out it could have been disastrous."

Pedestrians marginalised by giant cycle lane

A new cycle lane that dominates a bridge in Hertfordshire is causing confusion for pedestrians who are staying on the narrow edges. The bridge over Fairlands Way, Stevenage, was resurfaced by the county council's highways unit last month.

Resident Neil Brinkworth said he was "astonished" at the council's work, saying "it's crazy watching everybody blindly obeying the lanes".The council said the new lines met "current codes and standards".

Mr Brinkworth, who crosses the bridge two to three times a week, said: "It's making everybody go down the edge of the bridge. As a nation we are good at following instructions, but it does make you think 'why have they done that?' It's rarely used by cyclists. Was it a health and safety issue? I can't recall any issue of anyone crashing on the bridge. It makes no sense at all."

Hertfordshire County Council said: "The lines in place on the Fairlands Way path have been installed in accordance with the scheme design and to current codes and standards. The lines are not intended to form pedestrian lanes, nor pedestrian exclusion zones. They are guidance for cyclists. Pedestrians are free to walk wherever they like. The signing provided at the bridge indicates this to bridge users."

Pensioners excluded from pub over personal hygiene issue

Two pensioners have had time called on their trips to a south London pub  until they have a wash. The Crown and Anchor in Palace Road, Bromley, used to be the regular Monday night watering hole for Albert Warren and Edward Basting and they had been drinking there for about a year. But this all came to an end after the manager of the establishment said he had received several complaints about the personal hygiene of one of the men.

And they were told they would not be allowed back in until they sorted the issue out. Mr Warren, of Pope Road, Bromley Common, said: “He practically said we stank. It’s a bit of a cheek and a bit of an insult.” The 67-year-old added: “Nobody had ever complained before and we had never had any problems with that pub before.”

And his 69-year-old friend Mr Basting, of Chatterton Road, Bromley Common, said: “It is not really good enough because I cannot see how he can accept us the previous Monday but then the following Monday he says that to us. I find it an insult and defamation of character. I was shocked when this happened, it is not a nice thing to have happen.” The pub owner Tom Smith says Mr Warren and Mr Basting are both good customers and his staff tried to deal with the issue as sensitively as they could.

Mr Smith said: “The manager spoke to the two guys outside and did not embarrass them in front of customers. We do not wish to exclude people from the premises and all that was said is you must try and do something about your personal hygiene. We are not barring them but they need to do something about their personal hygiene and then they will be welcome back in the pub. We like the customers we have got to be happy in the setting that we provide.” Albert and Edward have since started drinking in another pub on Monday nights and visit other pubs in the area.