Friday, November 23, 2012


Cat unsure about cuddly toy tiger

YouTube link.

Cow gets itself into a bit of a pickle

YouTube link.

Students learn how to be cute for a living at the world's only mascot school in Japan

For the students at the Choko Group mascot school in Tokyo, while the goal may be to entertain children through their performance, mastering the art isn't child's play. The school was founded by by Choko Oohira, herself a 20-year veteran of wearing mascot costumes, as a way to perfect the art of the costume and movement.

"When I see a real hand poking out of the costume's hand, or their mask slips, it's very disappointing. I just have to correct them. I want to show the world how to fully become the character and explain that's how to make children happy," said Ms Oohira. While mascot wearers in places such as Disneyland or theme parks get on-the-job training, the school which was founded in 1985 is the only one of its kind in Japan and possibly beyond.

Lessons are 2 hours long and students are taught everything from traditional dance to different walking styles to illustrate different ages while wearing costumes or the different ways of acting in an outfit. Only the last part of the lessons are done in full costume, where they stay in character when watching others perform a skit.

YouTube link.

Once students graduate from the school, work is unlikely to be a problem as Japan has been experiencing a massive mascot boom in recent years. Mascots exist for everything from individual companies to government offices, with each having their own character and all being pulled out to help with promotional events whether they be greeting visitors or entertaining school children.

Creature that lives in man's penis feeds on it and is growing in size

It's been six months since Jackson (not his real name) started feeling as if he is living in hell. He sits in his house watching as his manhood gets eaten up by a living creature which no one can explain. And the creature under the skin of his penis is growing. It has already grown to the size of a human thumb and his 'sperm hosepipe' is very swollen.

The 52-year-old man from Tembisa in Ekurhuleni, Zimbabwe said blood comes out of his penis. "I can even feel this creature when it moves. You can smell the blood from the front gate. This thing looks alive. It is just on the tip of my manhood," Jackson said. He said his local clinic has given him antibiotics after antibiotics.

The hospital gave him other medication. "Now they have run out of ideas." Jackson said he has visited sangomas. "I've been told I'm bewitched, but I don't mess around with other men's women. Even when this thing started I was not in a relationship and my wife isn't here because she stays where she works." Besides a suggestion that his balls should be cut off, he has also been told it may be cancer.

"Four big hospitals have told me to see them next year but I can't wait." Oupa Shumeni of the African Traditional Health Practitioners Association said it is difficult to diagnose without throwing the bones. "I'll consult my colleagues and see how we can help." The desperate man is now at his wits end. "My money has gone to the sangomas. Please save me!"

$300,000 worth of gold dust found in home during HVAC installation

Sacramento homeowners called for what was going to be an expensive new heating and air system but ending up striking gold.
Workers installing the equipment found a secret gold stash hidden away in the house. They pride on customer service at Clark & Rush, but this is one guarantee they say they can’t make, finding gold on every house call.

The total value of what they found was $300,000 worth of gold. The total cost of the HVAC installation was around $6,500. After hundreds and hundreds of HVAC installations, Steve Ottley said the jackpot discovery was one of a kind. “I still can’t believe it today,” he said. “It’s unreal. We kind of just looked at each other and said ‘wow’.”

Back in September, beneath the floor grille of an older home, Steve and his partner discovered 12 baby food jars filled to the brim with gold dust. “I looked at it and said, ‘I think that’s gold,’” he said. Clark & Rush has been in Sacramento for 50 years and they’re celebrating their golden anniversary. But don’t expect a guarantee of “gold after every installation.” 

YouTube link.

“That’s one promise we can’t make, but I can say this, the integrity and professionalism of Clark & Rush, every time we find this type of thing, we are always trustworthy and upfront,” Mark Thyne said. Where the gold came from is still a mystery. The lucky homeowners didn’t want to be part of the story, but we’re told they’re handling their new gold just fine.

Woman guilty of racism for calling New Zealand born neighbour a stupid fat Australian

A woman racially abused her New Zealand-born neighbour by calling her Australian. Czech-born Petra Mills, 31, called Chelsea O’Reilly a ‘stupid fat Australian’ during a drunken tirade. The insult was witnessed by police officers who Mills herself had called after a domestic incident with her husband. Mills, formerly of Bridge Street, Macclesfield, denied racially-aggravated public disorder but was found guilty after a trial at Macclesfield magistrates court.

Miss O’Reilly, who is a British/New Zealand dual national, said she had been offended and insulted by Mills’ behaviour. Iain Mutch, prosecuting, told the court that Miss O’Reilly had heard banging and drilling. He added: “Then there was screaming from Petra and a lot of running up and down the stairs before the front door slammed.” The court heard that Mills fled her home and called the police from a phone box at the top of the road. When she arrived back home, police had arrested her husband, Michael, who was later released without charge.

Miss O’Reilly told magistrates that Mills then stormed around to her house while she was making a statement to police. She said: “She called me a stupid fat Australian bitch. Because of my accent there can be some confusion over my nationality. She knew I was from New Zealand. She was trying to be offensive.” The court was told that two police officers heard Mills use the word ‘Australian’ during her drunken rant. Mills said: “Yes, I shouted at her but it had nothing to do with racism. I did not used the word Australian. I used to live with an Australian person. She was very nice.”

Trevor Feehily, defending, said the offence was motivated by Mills’ anger at O’Reilly ‘snooping’ and not her nationality. Chairman of the bench Brian Donohue said: “You were in an emotional and inebriated state. The word Australian was used. It was racially aggravated and the main reason it was used was in hostility.” Mills also admitted assaulting one of the police officers by kicking him. Mills was fined £110 for racially aggravated public disorder and £200 for assaulting a police officer. She was also ordered to pay both her victims £50 compensation and £500 court costs.

Man indecently exposed himself in cinema before James Bond film

A man was caught indecently exposing himself at a Cambridge cinema’s screening of Skyfall in front of children. Families were settling down to watch the latest Bond blockbuster at the Arts Picture House when the man took an aisle seat. He then exposed himself before the 007 movie started.

The man was escorted from the movie theatre by the manager Keith Gehlert, who said he was shocked and appalled by the incident. Police have released CCTV images of a man they want to speak to in connection with the matter. Mr Gehlert said: “A customer told me what was happening. He was just doing it in full view of everyone. He was in an aisle seat and the film hadn’t even started yet.

“There were children in the audience. At first I thought the customer had got it wrong but when I went in there was this guy just sitting there exposing himself. I couldn’t believe it. I told him he had to leave and waited until he got himself together. I didn’t know if he was going to attack me or go crazy. But he was as cool as you like. He was absolutely calm.

“I walked him out of the cinema but as he was leaving a customer came up and asked a question. By the time I had dealt with it he had gone off down the street and I called police two minutes later. We want them to catch this man before he does it again.” A police spokesman said: “It happened just before 2pm, there were around 200 people in the cinema at the time.” Pc Paul Stevens added: “I urge anyone who recognises this man to call police as we believe he could have important information to assist our investigation.”

Bigfoot like creature spotted near Tunbridge Wells

A British Bigfoot has been spotted in woodland near Tunbridge Wells. Dubbed the Kentish Apeman, it is claimed he towers eight-foot tall, is covered in hair and has red demonic eyes. Sceptics may say the incidents could be down to a trick of the light, but Neil Arnold, a paranormal expert from Rochester, said he has received numerous reports of the apeman over the years.

One of the sightings took place in Dartford by a girl named Charlotte who was heading home in her car from the University of Kent. She said she saw a creature with long arms and knees which came up under its chin as it walked. She was so petrified she nearly crashed her car.

Other sightings, according to Mr Arnold, include five members of the Territorial Army in 1991 spotting the beast on Blue Bell Hill, near Maidstone, and throwing stones and shouting at it before running away.  Another sighting in Chatham by a young girl with her partner saw the apeman appear then run off into the bushes. Mr Arnold, who doesn’t believe the apeman to be a flesh and blood ‘monster’, but a paranormal figure, has also had reports from Maidstone and Hythe.

In each example the figure appears the same and Mr Arnold said tales of an apeman date back decades. He said: “It’s a very touchy subject in the sense that these things are really not normal. I get some unusual reports. There have been reports all over England, but we can never prove something paranormal.” Mr Arnold said he believes the reports could be similar to folklore tales which described ‘wild men of the woods’.

Many thanks Paul!

School hires profredder to catch teachers' spelling errors

A school in Ipswich is looking to recruit a proofreader to check for mistakes in teachers' reports. Northgate High School said the role would include correcting "spelling mistakes, poor or missing punctuation, incorrect capitalisation" and improving "poor grammar".

The role at the local authority school pays £14 an hour. Headteacher David Hutton said the work indicates the "high level of professionalism" at the school.

An advert for the role said the school was looking to recruit someone "to check and amend the electronic reports to ensure that they are well written and complete before being released to parents". The job will also include helping staff whose reports need "extensive correcting by giving them feedback on their report writing and tactfully suggesting strategies to help them improve".

Mr Hutton said: "Our examination results year-on-year demonstrate Northgate employs very high-calibre teaching staff. Between them they produce literally thousands of well-written comments each year that keep parents informed about the progress of their children. Making a final quality check prior to publication merely indicates the high level of professionalism we strive to achieve."

Elderly couple billed £500 by Virgin for ordering hundreds of porn films

An elderly couple have been billed £500 by their TV company for ordering hundreds of pornographic films. Great-grandparents Ron Hayward, 74, and wife Ann, 71, were stunned when Virgin Media demanded the money, saying 150 pay-per-view adult films had been streamed to their cable TV account. It is the second time the couple, from Reddish, have been caught in a row over porn films with Virgin. In 2009 they were also accused of ordering £190 of adult movies.Virgin eventually tore up the bill and turned off the couple’s service.

But earlier this year the couple decided to resubscribe to the catch-up and on-demand services. Within days, dozens of adult films had been ordered, seemingly from the couple’s address, including 14 in one day. Virgin has again waived the charge – but the couple say they have been told they will be liable for any future bills if they want the TV services reconnecting. Mrs Hayward, a retired nursery nurse said: “It feels to us just like groundhog day. We had this problem before and we thought when we re-applied to be connected that Virgin would have solved the problem of what went wrong previously.

“The family all think it is really funny – Ron’s also gets ribbed at the post office where he gets asked if he’s seen any good films lately.” Virgin say the films must have been accessed from the couple’s account. A spokesman said: “Adult content can only be viewed after an individual PIN number is given by the household, ensuring people can safely watch what they choose. We’ve made sure Mr and Mrs Hayward’s service is PIN-protected and their TV set-top box will no longer be able to view age-restricted content.”

Mrs Hayward added: “I would like to make a direct appeal to Sir Richard Branson, to say to him he needs to sort it out. We are loyal customers, we were told by a manager at Virgin that we can have the catch-up, which is what we want, but we have to take on demand as well, which we don’t want. We were also told if we have the service again we will be expected to sign an agreement to say we are liable for any more film orders. We feel like we are being penalised.”

Police officer broke news of burglary to victims with compliments slip through letter box

A police officer broke news of a burglary to the victims on a ‘With Compliments’ note slipped through their door. The “illegible” message was posted by an officer from Parkside police station. His bosses at the Cambridgeshire force said posting the note was “not usual practice” – the officer has now been given “appropriate” paperwork after the gaffe.

The victim complained to police via Twitter over the weekend. Jonathan Whiteland tweeted: “Is it entirely appropriate to inform us of a burglary of our properly on a ‘With Compliments’ slip?” A conversation ensued between Mr Whiteland and Cambridgeshire police on the website. First he asked if they could help read the writing on the note – he was also sent the wrong email address to forward an image of the slip.

Mr Whiteland tweeted: “Hi @CambsCops, can you help us decipher this , or do we have to crowd-source what it says via Twitter?” Police replied: “We agree, it isn’t easy writing to read. Pls email incident no. to marketing.mailbox @ & we will look into it.” The victim was asked to email an image of the note by police – but was given the wrong address. He finally managed to send it after the address was corrected.

The note was out-of-date stationery and had the old police non-emergency number on it of 0345 456 4564 although the officer did write the new 101 number on the message. It read: “Hello, Your neighbour (redacted name) has reported to police his property has been broken into and yours has too. Please call the police on 101 to report this.” A police spokeswoman said: “We have been in touch with the person who posted this tweet. The officer who left the note has been contacted and provided with the appropriate paperwork to leave at future incidents. This is not usual practice as we have a purpose designed form to leave at incidents/crimes.”