The Polish man, who smelled of alcohol and appeared to be under the influence of drugs, was nevertheless taken to hospital. There, doctors discovered that his penis and testicles had been surgically removed.

"The victim was questioned briefly after treatment. He cannot recall what happened", said police spokesperson, Adina Mircioane. Maciej P. was put into an artificial coma after his treatment.
In the meantime, the crime scene was discovered: razor blades, skin and cartilage fragments were found in a public toilet in the entrance hall of the U3 metro line at Gasometer. The genitals were not recovered. Police have said that the current evidence would exclude third party negligence.
Urgh. I wouldn't want to see that.
I was surprised that this did not happen in South Florida. We apparently don't have a complete lock on the bizarre. Any weird story containing the word "genitals" lately usually has some Florida connection somewhere...
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