Friday, December 16, 2016

I must apologise for the delay in replying

But what became quickly apparent soon after uploading my last post was quite how unwell I am. Fistly, many, many thanks for all of your kind comments following my last post. They are extremely appreciated. Similarly, thank you very much for all of the emails I've received - none of which I've replied to as of yet - but this is the first time I've sat down at a computer for more than a couple of minutes in weeks.

Immediately after uploading my last post here, I wandered around to the local shops - which are a two minute walk away - and within minutes was virtually paralysed with exhaustion. I managed to purchase a few things then had to sit on the pavement outside the store before eventually making it back home. I know I should have visted the doctor, but it's quite a walk away - and I'd never have made it. Also, the last time I visted the shops, due to the circumstances, I didn't get any cash from the ATM - so I've had no money to get a taxi. I've been hoping that if I rested I would be able to regain some energy. Sadly, this has not happened.

Thankfully my fridge, freeezer and cupoards were previously well stocked - so I've been able to eat okay. However, as of this morning my fridge was completely empty, so, for the first time in weeks I had to venture out to the shops again. I thought if 'paced' myself I'd be okay. Sadly this didn't turn out to be the case and I had what I can only really describe as having a 'funny turn'. The very kind ladies in the local Co-op quickly got me a chair and then ordered me a taxi in order to make the short journey home. And so here I am. I suspect I should be in hospital - I really am in a lot of pain - and just walking upstairs can be a massive struggle. However, I'm a stubborn bloody idiot and having spent the best part of a year in hospital when I was a child, I think it's fair to say I'm not a big fan of the places.

Particularly at this time of year. So, unless something dramatic happens, my plan is to pace myself over the next three weeks or so - I think I have enough food in the freezer and cupboards - and then contact the medical people. Due to various anxiety 'issues' I've suffered over the last decade or so, I've lost touch with just about everyone I used to consider to be a 'friend'. So I'm pretty much on my own with this one. Apologies for this being a misery-fest, I but thought it was best to keep you up to date. Also, while I'm thankful to Ratz for organising the gofundme page, I'd be extremely grateful if the money kindly donated was returned to the original donors. I'll do my best to keep you up to date with whatever transpires. In the meantime, I hope you have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.
