Friday, June 25, 2010

Four-leaf clover found stuck to crash survivor

Impaled in his stomach, a fence stake came within inches of killing crash victim Raymond Curry. The 20-year-old was pierced on the six-foot pole when his car flipped out of control on his way to work.

And when medics examined the store manager in A&E they found a four-leaf clover stuck to his back. As he came round from surgery to remove the wooden stake, nurses handed over the lucky charm, still astonished that the fence pole had missed his vital organs. The patient was also lucky to avoid another two stakes which pierced the metal of his hatchback, but missed him by inches.

Today Raymond is back home, in Cramlington, Northumberland, recovering from the trauma of coming so close to death. Taking pride of place on his bedroom wall is the lucky four-leaf clover he found just in the nick of time. Ray, who lives with his parents, in Oulton Close, said: “I’d never even seen a four-leaf clover until this happened, so it was good timing, I suppose.”

To make the recovery even more bizarre, medics at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary found the Little Tree air freshener which had been hanging from Ray’s rear-view mirror, when the crash happened. Ray said: “They thought it might be a splinter, but when they opened me up they found my air freshener inside me. It must have got caught on the pole as it came through the windscreen then been pushed into me.”

There's a news video here.

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