Monday, June 21, 2010



  1. Benedict XVI12:22 pm

    <span>Nothing really Mattress 
    Anyone can see 
    Nothing really Mattress 
    Nothing really Mattress to me 

    Any way the Windows...


  2. Brilliant, Benedict XVI!

  3. James9:04 pm


    You may not be aware but, since you have started adding direct (embedded) links to YouTube, there is a significant problem for anyone visitiing your blog. Mainly from trying to load multiple times. I have a high speed link and yet the memory hit on my machine (running Firefox) is huge. To the point that I now rarely visit your site. I have noted this issue with other blogs who do the same. It results in a huge hit to the cache and normally requires a reboot of a machine. NB: I have tried this on Vista, XP, and Lucid Lynx with the same effect. It may be worth reviewing this to determine the 'critical point' of number of embedded YT players.

    Best regards,


  4. Arbroath10:15 pm


  5. Benedict XVI11:38 pm

    Hiya guys,
    One solution for James would be to block flash from mounting automatically. On my mac since I have used "click to Flash" Safari and Firefox haven't crashed once. However, I am sure it is all just a Steve Jobs conspiracy against Adobe's Flash (of course I always "trust" the Arbroath site and load everything he puts up - unlike some sites yours is blissfully short of flash adverts and other dross)


  6. Monique4:30 am

    I have a Mac and use Firefox and have never had any problems.  :)

  7. My usual computer (shiny and new, but, sadly, in the hospital due to a faulty motherboard) runs Firefox on Windows 7. This computer (a slow, aging laptop that sounds like a dying Cessna) runs Firefox on Windows XP. Neither has any problems with the site. 

  8. yea i liked this matress when it was on eatliver back in november

  9. monkey_town9:37 am

    Ha! Great!

  10. Me too.  My Mac is coming up for 5 years old and handles the blog with all the embedded videos absolutely fine.

  11. Atypical Kansan3:12 pm

    I usually view the site from work on a crummy PC running windows 2000 and idk 1MB or so of RAM and it sometimes drags a bit, but not usually too bad.  At home on my MAC it all loads up in a flash, so to say :D
