Friday, June 25, 2010

Pagan psychic viking died after heart attack led to car setting fire to grass bank

A Pagan psychic died when his car caught fire on a minor country road in what was described as "an unusual combination of events". Disabled Richard Ellender, of Polruan, is thought to have died when the catalytic converter in the exhaust at the bottom of his car set fire to dry grass after his car went up a bank when he suffered a heart attack.

Cornwall Coroner Dr Emma Carlyon recorded an open verdict on Mr Ellender, 58, who was also a member of the Cornwall Viking Group. The accident took place near Porthpean House, Lanteglos by Fowey, on June 30 last year. In her verdict Dr Carlyon said Mr Ellender had suffered a cardiac event while driving normally along the road that night, and was unable to negotiate a bend. Because the heart problem had put him in a semi-conscious condition he did not attempt to open the car door.

There was no structural damage, but the most probable occurrence was that the contact with the catalytic converter and the grass and other debris had started a fire. Mr Ellender had died through inhaling smoke and toxic gas combined with serious cardiac problems. "He was in a semi-conscious state after losing control of the vehicle. He could not get out before the fire started."

Mr Ellender was driving a Renault Scenic provided to him under the Mobility Scheme when the accident happened in the late evening. His friend Nathaniel Wilkins, of Polruan Road, Liskeard, said in a statement that they were both interested in the re-enactment of medieval wars and travelled together to psychic fairs, sometimes in London. Mr Wilkins said they both had psychic abilities and could create a psychic shield around a person.

1 comment:

Atypical Kansan said...

I guess he didn't see that one coming.
/obvious & obligatory