Thursday, June 24, 2010

Real life cat burglar causing chaos in Australian suburb

His family call him Harry but this two-year-old Burmese cat lives up to his birth name: Johnny Fiasco. The curious cat has been causing havoc in Five Dock because he steals anything from bras to shoes to school uniforms. “It’s quite funny actually,” said Harry’s owner, Sue Pope. “He’s been stealing people’s underwear, socks, bras and the other day, he brought home a brand new paintbrush.

“He has a shoe fetish and just loves light shoes which he can drag around. He took a ladies ugg boot and then a pair of slippers. Once, he brought home a school uniform.” His thieving exploits have included four bras including a bright blue nylon 12C bra. Over a ten-day period, Harry collected 30 tradesmen’s gloves.

“In the morning, he will bring one and then in the afternoon, the other one will turn up,” Ms Pope said. “He comes in through our dining room window and might come in at 6pm. He will miaow and we’ll hear something drop.” With his big eyes and a half cream, half red coat with a tiny lavender strip, Harry was a birthday present for Ms Pope’s seven-year-old daughter Grace. “He’s a real outdoor cat,” Ms Pope said.

“They say Burmese cats are the closest to dogs. Unfortunately, he’s too much like a dog and so he followed us the other day when we walked to school and got hit by a car.” Harry spent a night at the vet hospital last week and is now back home recovering. “He may lose his tail,” Ms Pope said.

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