Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Gaddafi jape trouble for fancy dress shop

It was no party at a Sheffield fancy dress shop when police arrived to tell them off. The Party Town shop on Ecclesall Road had a mannequin outside dressed up as Colonel Gaddafi, and bearing a sign saying “You ain’t seen me right!”

Shop assistant Jamie was working at the time and said that police arrived, said there had been complaints and asked staff there to remove the costume. He said: “A couple of police officers came in and said ‘What’s that supposed to be outside?’. They said it was culturally offensive and asked us to take it down.”

South Yorkshire Police said that their officers called in on an advisory basis only. A spokesperson said: “Two PCSOs, on normal patrol duties, called into the shop to ask if they would mind taking the mannequin out of the shop window, as some people may find it inappropriate.

“This advice was given in an attempt to prevent possible community tension on a sensitive issue.” Party Town owner Peter Tooley said: “I think it’s very funny, I can’t imagine why anyone would complain about it.”


  1. But did the shopkeeper comply or did they disregard the idiotic demand?

  2. magpie8:43 pm

    The Nanny State strikes again.
