Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Here's something I never expected to see

Financial commentator Max Keiser, interviewing John Cooper Clarke.

Link goes to full interview. The video below features a censored performance of (Who Stole) Bongo's Trousers? on the show.

YouTube link.

This is a very sweary, uncensored version of (Who Stole) Bongo's Trousers?

Contains very NSFW language.

YouTube link.

Many years ago I booked John Cooper Clarke to perform on a couple of occasions. He looks a lot healthier now than he did back then.

I could tell you some stories about it, but what with discretion being the better part of valour and all that, it's probably best I don't.

Incidentally, 'Bongo' was later reunited with his trousers.

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