Thursday, January 03, 2013

Seal spotted swimming in flooded field 50 miles inland

A seal has ended up in a lake miles from the sea after swimming through flooded fields. The animal was filmed climbing over a flood defence next to the RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes near St Ives in Cambridgeshire.

It is seen battling against the flow of water coming over the barrier before finally crossing it and swimming away. It is believed the seal may have ended up in the area after swimming more than 50 miles from the coast at Kings Lynn in Norfolk, up the River Great Ouse and crossing flooded land near the lakes.

RSPB member Robjn, who filmed the animal clambering over the barrier, said: “At first sight in the water I thought it was a dog in trouble but as it came up for air I could see it was a seal. It was swimming up a ditch that links to the Great Ouse.

YouTube link.

"In the video it is swimming from the ditch and up into the flooded field.” He said the animal had made several attempts at scaling the bank but the film captures the successful bid and they had not seen it again after that.

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