The Cerne Abbas Giant in Dorset is sporting facial "hair" in support of Movember, which raises awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.
The National Trust's Rob Rhodes said: "It's all a bit of fun to highlight an important subject so we were happy to give our support and join in the fun."
YouTube link.
He said there would be no damage to the giant. "I am sure the giant would approve," he added. The 180ft (55m) tall giant's new moustache is 36ft (11m) by 9ft (2.7m).
I love archaeology and first I was annoyed that they tampered with the monument. But, then watching the vid it looks like they simply placed something over it for a day. (My PC has no sound so I haven't a clue to what they said).
No damage to the monument, raises awareness for a good cause...no harm.
The monument gets "tampered with" on a regular basis as they have to keep re-chalking him. And let's face it, it's just a great, big dick-pic with very little evidence to support the idea that it's any more than 3 or 4 hundred years old.
I wholeheartedly support the idea behind "Movember" but unfortunately I can't grow a mouser in solidarity cos I already have the full suite of facial hair. Baffles me why anyone would want to shave theirs off.
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