Monday, December 19, 2016

Okay, so I've called an ambulance

I'm just geting weaker and can't fight it any more.

Many thanks to to the commentatators who have pretty much confirmed what I think is wrong with - alhtough only time will tell for sure.

I don't have a smartphone or tablet, but have packed my laptop and will hopefully be able to keep in touch with that.

Please wish me luck, my blood is very thin and I do't heal well - I'm absolutelty terrified.



  1. Good luck, Kev. I'll be sending you love and light. I'm glad you made this decision.

  2. Anonymous11:28 am

    Hoping for the best for you.


  3. Anonymous11:29 am

    Sending you healing thoughts from Australia. Hope you're safe and feeling better soon.

  4. Anonymous11:34 am

    You are in my prayers Kev. You are not alone in this.

  5. Cari in Basildon11:52 am

    Right now it's the best place for you. Hopefully you'll be fixed up well enough to enjoy Christmas. If I lived closer I'd come along to hold your hand. Do you have someone with you?

    Cari in Basildon

  6. Anonymous12:07 pm

    Sending good thoughts and healing energy in your direction.

  7. So sorry you're feeling worse, but glad you're getting treatment. Sending good wishes and healing thoughts.

  8. glad you've decided to seek medical help - hopefully this is first step on road to recovery!

  9. Best of luck Kev,
    Sorry you're feeling like hammered crap, but well done on phoning the ambulance, it can't have been easy. The'll get you sorted.


  10. You've done the hardest bit by making the call. Hope you soon start to feel better. Sending virtual hugs your way x

  11. Will-L1:46 pm


    Glad to see that you reached out for help. Good luck and best wishes.

  12. A very brave thing you did in calling for assistance, Kev! I'm Hoping that getting this behind you alleviates some of your anxiety also which I know can be more crippling than a physical illness.

    There are many many souls out here whose thoughts, prayers, good energy and healing wishes are coming your way, including me. You're not alone in spirit.

    Perhaps while you're laid up you might reach out to some of your old friends and let them know what you're up against. You may be surprised that you find them grateful you've offered them the gift of your friendship again.

    Get well soon Kev!

  13. Healing and happy vibes, to you from us in the US! Arborath!

  14. Kev, thanks for going to the hospital! From your last few posts you seem to be like me in that you do not like to impose on others, you aren't imposing on others! It is their job to take care of you and your taxes have paid for this care.

    Take your share!

    I hope you find that this is the best decision you made iny ears and that your Holidays bring the love you deserve!


  15. Anonymous3:17 pm

    So pleased that you got help - and not a moment too soon. I hope that you feel much better in a few weeks' time.

  16. Yes! You done good. You're on your way to recovery! This is the best news I've had this season, Merry Christmas Sir!

  17. Anonymous3:48 pm


    My heart goes out to you - I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and look forward to your speedy recovery - Hang in there!

  18. Stephen4:21 pm

    Good luck, buddy. I hope you feel better.

  19. Anonymous4:47 pm

    You are adored and appreciated across the globe. Sending good thoughts and hope from California. I will be checking back frequently and praying for a quick recovery.

  20. Anonymous4:50 pm

    I know this was a very high hurdle for you to jump. I am so glad to hear that you are taking a step toward better health. You have many friends around the world who are cheering for you. My very best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a healthier New Year.

  21. Well wishes from across the pond.

  22. Anonymous6:35 pm

    God speed

  23. You've definitely made the right call Kev. We're all rooting for you! Best of luck and feel better soon!

  24. Well done for taking the first and hardest step. Waiting for the ambulance will have been the worst part but it will all get easier from now on. Every minute that goes by is a minute nearer your eventual return to home and hearth and health. In a couple of weeks you'll look back and wonder what you were ever worried about. I know many people on here will be thinking of you over the Christmas and they too will be a lot less worried now that you're getting the medical attention you clearly needed. So thanks for that..... and Happy Christmas.

  25. I hope you heal fast, and well.

  26. Yay! That's great news! You are in the best place you could be and I hope you get well soon and come back! Sending good vibes from Venice Beach!

  27. Stay strong, we'll be waiting for your return here. Best wishes,

  28. John Wolfe8:28 pm

    Best wishes.

  29. Another one from Australia here that has you on my daily reading list...

    I believe in a God that heals so all I can do is pray for you that you have a quick and painless recovery. Best Wishes Kev and know that we are all here for you.

  30. Anonymous8:54 pm

    all the best to you

  31. Anonymous11:05 pm

    Hang in there. I hope that you get better soon.

  32. Warren Zevon said he was afraid of doctors and never went to see them. He admitted that didn't work so well for him.

    I hope they've figured out what's going on, and it's something with a good treatment.

  33. I am so sorry to hear of your illness, I and my family wish you well and hope for your speedy recovery,Stanley, Diana, Mariana, Hogue and Cable.

  34. helene3:00 am

    You re not alone

  35. Thank goodness! I know how much you didn't want to do this, but you've made the right decision. I'll be sending you healing thoughts and prayers, with hopes that you will feel much better ery son!

    Barbara in CA

  36. Anonymous7:15 am

    Get well soon, wish you all the best. You're blog has brought me many giggles. Looking forward to more. Hang in there . From soggy Oregon.

  37. I am saddened at your condition but glad you are seeking the medical help you need.

    As much as I miss your posts, I have grown fond of the person behind it throughout the years and my concern for you has only gotten stronger as the recent months passed.

    You had made me chuckle many times with your posts and "borrowed" many a pic to share with others. You have brightened many people's days mine and my friends included.

    I sincerely wish there was something definite I could do or give to repay you for this.

    Please take care and know you have an ardent follower all the way Sacramento, capital of the Golden State of California.

  38. hope you mend well and have a happier new year

  39. Glad you sought help.
    Get better soon.

  40. So glad you went for medical help! Be well. We are all pulling for you. Bless you.

  41. good for you you old foot dragger..been there done that!

    wake up smell the puppy..get with the program..lotta peeeps care 4 ys

  42. Anonymous4:25 am

    Get well soon. We are all praying for you here in frigid Minnesota.

  43. Anonymous10:15 am

    Best of luck, man. Hang on in there.

  44. Anonymous3:05 pm

    Oh thank goodness. Thank you for getting help. I didn't reply to the last post because I didn't think a comment from a stranger would convince you to seek medical attention, but it seems you are regardless. Thank you. I was concerned about you. Please don't exert yourself. Please rest, and let the doctors and specialists do their thing.

    K from MN

  45. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Kev, Get well soon! Do everything they say. Just do it.

    G in Northern MN

  46. All the best to you, please listen to your doctors, but don't be afraid to get a second opinion or ask questions. You're your own best advocate. Please take care and I hope that you can get, and feel, better soon.

  47. Anonymous8:54 pm

    Happy Holidays Kev!
    Houstoned Katrina

  48. Anonymous1:29 am

    Hey Kev,
    Get well soon! Be nice to the nurses...hehe

  49. Anonymous4:16 am

    Thank you for asking for help looking after yourself!

    Your contributions to my life, my daily life, over the last few years are something I am truly grateful for. Thank you for the joys.

    Do consider a kickstarter if you need help getting back on your feet. I'm not one for those but you're a treasure.

  50. Anonymous6:28 am

    Mate - you came up with a lot of truly original content, and I miss your contribution to my day.

    Stay well. Really glad you asked for some help. That's what they're there for.

  51. Any word about your illness yet, Kev? I've been checking every day to see if you have updated your blog, as I'm sure others have also done.

  52. Thank you! Please take care of yourself!

    Does anyone know where we can send cards?

  53. Anonymous12:29 pm


    God speed and get better soon.

  54. Good luck Kev. Looking forward to hearing you're well again. Very best wishes from Wales UK. Nadolig Llawen a brysia wella. Al

  55. gordon Veldman3:25 pm

    I am sending good thoughts from West Michigan for your future happiness. Good luck!

  56. Take care and get better soon!

  57. Anonymous12:11 am

    Best wishes from this side.

  58. Good luck and get well soon to celebrate upcoming holidays with loved ones. Your follower from Singapore.

  59. Anonymous3:43 am

    Goodness... you're describing my predicament... being a recluse myself, I, too, have no one special to just call for help. The Kindness of Strangers proves its worth for those such as us, especially in times such as these... I wish you all the very best Kev... anytime anyone says "Please let me know how I can help..." take them up on it right then and there, because that's the only time (usually) they'll mean it while remaining gracious. (If you're extra lucky, they might mean it one more time. But by then, they'll give you the "look" ("I didn't mean to sign up as your beetch").) If you can offer to pay a neighbor (a mature, sensible sort) to buy your groceries for you, do it. I load a pre-paid card with about $200 or so USD, and pay $100 cash on delivery. That way, no one feels "1 down." I'm no good at the pep talk... I can share a tip or two. Hang in there as best you can, I'm pulling for you... we're all pulling for you Kev.

  60. Yaffle9:59 am

    Hope you're back on your feet soon Kev.

  61. Warm wishes from me as well. Best of luck!

  62. You might as well get better because we obviously aren't going away, just going to keep nagging you until you're back on top.
    And money is another way, be glad to help you tip those pretty young nurses on night duty for extra care. ;o)

  63. Anonymous8:20 pm

    Wishing you well and speedy recovery.
    San Diego, CA.

  64. You'd best be alive and well. At this time of the year it's too damned cold to go outside naked and twatting about with pentagrams at midnight. Don't even get me started about those damned uncooperative chickens and black candles.

  65. Anonymous2:44 am

    Ah, Kev, all the best for you! Grace, peace, and healing be yours. Rest up, and ignore the claptrap til you're well.

  66. Dear Kev:

    I hope you're in better health and recover quickly.

    Thanks for all these years of good humor and memorable posts.

    Wish you all the best.

    From Portugal.

  67. Hope to hear good news from you! Best wishes from Romania!

  68. I've read all the well-wishes here from around the planet agree with all of them but want to add mine So glad you sought help and am sending healing thoughts and many prayers for you. You don't know how many lives you've touched in a positive, good way. Be strong. You'll get through this.

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