Thursday, July 06, 2006

Palm Beach Gardens psychotherapist pairs pet-loving singles

Pairing unmarried animal lovers is Ruth Grossman's pet project, and men and women on the prowl turn to her to find their cat's meow.

Through her "Love Me, Love My Pet" dating service, she couples "discriminating pet lovers with quality pet loving singles."

Grossman meets individually with clients and then, searching her database of more than 1,000, calls when she finds someone who seems a match. She bases her choices on backgrounds, values, goals, pet compatibility and more. She likens pet loving to that of taking in a stepchild.

Clients fly in from as far as the Northeast for personal, confidential interviews, though most are within the state. They pay $1,000 for one year of personalized service — more if Grossman feels they've had a history of bad relationships and can benefit first from some counseling.

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