Saturday, July 08, 2006

Randy dad breaks his penis

Randy Adam Shaw nipped off for some slap and tickle — and snapped his tackle.

Dad of two Adam was having a “quickie” with missus Niki when he suddenly fell out of bed and screamed in agony.

Horrified Niki, 31, dashed to fetch a bag of frozen peas to ease the swelling as Adam’s manhood ballooned to the size of a cucumber — and his testicles to the size of a coconut.

He was rushed to hospital where medics confirmed the tearful gym instructor’s worst fears, telling him: “It’s broken”.

Adam had an emergency op to a snapped muscle. Fortunately, the team of surgeons included a specialist called Cox. Adam, 41, said yesterday as he recovered back at home in Camborne, Cornwall: “I never knew you could break it — but I found out the hard way."

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