Sunday, September 03, 2006

Men charged with drunken driving ... a horse and cart

The law may be an ass, but it can still have you up before the beak for being drunk in charge of a horse. And in a bizarre coincidence, two men landed up in court yesterday charged with that offence.

William Royles, a 21-year-old traveller, was driving a carriage drawn by Dipstick, his two-year-old bay, in the dark through Gloucester when he was stopped by a police officer and a special constable for having no lights. They also charged him with being drunk.

The other man before magistrates, Adrian Whitaker, 36, tried to make his way home by horse and cart after a hard day’s drinking.

Police were alerted by motorists after he held up traffic on a country lane near Northaw, Hertfordshire. Mr Whitaker fell off the cart and landed at a policeman’s feet when he was pulled over.

He admitted being drunk in charge of a horse and cart before Central Hertfordshire magistrates.

Mr Royles admitted the lighting offence but denied the drink-driving charge.

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