Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Songs for sale - line by line

Technically, this line is not ours to publish: "And when you're lost, you'll always be found". It is owned by a US-based eBay user who has paid £11,100 to an unknown singer-songwriter attempting a highly original way to crack the music business.

Jonathan Haselden has spent the last four months marketing his lyrics as a way of raising money to promote himself and his music. The idea is that individuals and companies can buy song lines, use them in any way they wish and, if all goes to plan, get a share of the royalties when the song is successful.

"I want to get a career from this - the idea is to get my music out there so people can listen to it," said Haselden, 25, of Wimbledon in south-west London.

The eBay auction for a line from his song Roller Coaster finished on Sunday, fetching 88 bids from the rather cheeky opening bid of 6p to the eye-opening winning offer. The buyer will get 2.2% of the publishing royalties from the single.

Companies have also taken the bait. Haselden has done deals with TGI Fridays, Taylor Guitars, the Tussauds Group and Budweiser Budvar.

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