Friday, November 03, 2006

Britain: the most spied on nation in the world

A stark warning that Britain is turning into a Big Brother society, where the lives of millions are routinely monitored and tracked from cradle to grave, is given today by the Government's privacy watchdog.

Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, says more and more personal data is being collected and stored on all of us, both by the state and big business.

"The combination of CCTV, biometrics, databases and tracking technologies can be seen as part of a much broader exploration, often funded with support from the US/UK 'war on terror', of the use of interconnected 'smart' systems to track movements and behaviours of millions of people in both time and space," the report says.

Mr Thomas said last night that the concerns he voiced two years ago that "we are sleepwalking into a surveillance society" were turning out to be correct.

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