Thursday, November 02, 2006

Man steals 5,000 pairs of shoes to savour the odour

A man suspected of stealing about 5,000 pairs of shoes in order to enjoy their odour has been arrested.

"I was enjoying their smell", Masashi Kamata, 28, a resident of Moriyama-ku, Nagoya, was quoted as telling investigators. "Indoor shoes for school sexually stimulate me. I couldn't throw away the shoes I obtained."

In the specific case for which he was arrested, Kamata stole two pairs of shoes from a girl that were being dried on the premises of her home in Owariasahi, Aichi, in September last year.

Local police confiscated about 5,000 pairs of school indoor shoes for girls and boys from a warehouse he had rented in Moriyama-ku on Wednesday.

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