Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Police called to round up wayward sheep from cul-de-sac

Counting a procession of woolly sheep is recommended to send restless insomniacs slipping into a deep, peaceful slumber.

Waking up to find a flock of 40 of them have invaded your front garden on the other hand is guaranteed to make the day start with a jolt.


This is the scene which greeted Daphne Willson when she opened the curtains onto her usually quiet and tranquil cul-de-sac.

Around 40 of them were contentedly nibbling her neighbour's lawn and browsing on her pot plants.

A spokeswoman for Hertfordshire police said: "We were called following reports that a woman had a flock of sheep in her garden. The sheep were gathered up, and the council then cleared up the road."

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