Thursday, November 16, 2006

Recycling 'offenders' ordered to phone in for a ticking-off

Householders who throw the wrong item in their recycling bin are being ordered to make a 'humiliating' phone call to a council hotline to receive a telling-off.

Recycling crews are examining every bin in Bournemouth to make sure residents are complying with the strict guidelines on what waste should be put in the green bin.


Any offending item will result in the bin not being emptied and a 'contamination sticker' being left on it, requesting the owner to call a hotline.

Those who ring the number will be told what they have done wrong and given advice on how to avoid offending in the future. They will also be sent a letter to reinforce the message.

Those who do not phone the hotline will not have their bin emptied. Repeat offenders could end up getting a 'hefty fine'.

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