Thursday, November 02, 2006

Teenager fed live cat to snarling dog

A convicted robber was told that he is facing a jail sentence after he admitted feeding a live cat to his Staffordshire bull terrier.

CCTV footage showed Callum Myers grinning as two friends watched him dangle the cat above the snarling dog. He stood back as the dog savaged it, snapping its ribs and ripping open its heart. The cat’s owners later identified their pet, Tigger, by its collar.

At Huddersfield Magistrates’ Court yesterday, he admitted causing unnecessary suffering to the animal on March 15 last year. Myers, 18, who was on licence for robbery at the time of the attack, showed no remorse and was told that he faced a life ban from keeping animals.

The court was told that a local resident had tried to prise the cat from the dog’s jaws, after hearing a horrendous noise outside his home.

Myers has a history of cruelty, and had enticed Gypsy to kill a puppy a few weeks earlier.

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