Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

RIP Joe Strummer 1952 - 2002

Joe Strummer And The Mescaleros - Redemption Song

The artwork on the photo above comes from this video, made to respect the memory of the late Joe Strummer.

There's a large gallery of photos showing the making of the video here.

The page takes a bit of loading, mind.

Halloween Prank

They almost scared him to death.

NSFW language.

Vomit Barrel

A barrel of laughs and leftovers. This disgusting but funny device throws up on cue by switch. Great quantities of green vomit spew as the familiar Friday night sounds of heaving ensue. Requires standard AC power only.

Comes with a cassette player and sound effects.


I resisted the temptation to post a photo.

With video.


2006 Howl-0-Ween pet costume grand prize winners.

Holy Bible (Hardcover)

For sale at Amazon.

Scroll down to the customer reviews.

Virgin ends ad campaign with b3ta over images of Richard Branson

Virgin has been forced into an embarrassing U-turn after a new viral advertising campaign backfired spectacularly.

The company had asked readers of b3ta.com, an online community known for bad taste jokes, to create a new advert for the Virgin Money brand. Hundreds of entries were submitted, but last week the company pulled the competition from the internet after concerns over some of the submissions.

Among the entries were doctored images of Virgin's founder, Richard Branson, in compromising situations. A spokesman for Virgin Money said the company had become concerned that some of the images were "a little bit illegal", and had decided to shut down the competition to prevent further transgressions.

But members of the site, which has a reputation for anarchic humour, are unrepentant. Rob Manuel, one of the site's founders, refused to comment when contacted. However, he told the site's subscribers that Virgin was warned to expect the worst. "I think the whole thing is funny," he wrote.

Talk about asking for trouble!

The moment a polar bear fancied a BBC film crew for lunch

Even when it's your job to film them, half a ton of ravenous polar bear peering through your window can be an unwelcome sight.

Especially when all that's between you and becoming the animal's dish of the day are the walls of an old wooden shack in one of the world's most remote spots.

Polar bear

BBC cameraman Doug Allan and field assistant Jason Roberts, were confronted by this specimen while enjoying a game of chess in their 16ft by 16ft cabin during a break in filming.

It was only after Mr Allan and Mr Roberts had three times tried to scare him off by setting off flares that their uninvited dinner guest finally lumbered away to see what was on the menu elsewhere.

The chilling encounter happened while the pair were filming in temperatures of minus 30C in Kong Karls Land, an archipelago in the Norwegian Arctic which had not been visited by humans for 25 years before their arrival for a five week shoot.

Orlando Teen Accused of Taking Bus, Charging Fares

A 15-year-old boy was arrested when deputies stopped him driving a stolen bus along a public transit route, picking up passengers and collecting fares.

Ritchie Calvin Davis took the bus Saturday from the Central Florida Fairgrounds in Orlando, where it was parked awaiting sale at an auction, a Seminole County sheriff's report said. The bus belongs to the Central Florida Transportation Agency, which runs LYNX public transit services in the Orlando area.

"I drove that bus better than most of the LYNX drivers could," the teen told a deputy after his arrest. "There isn't a scratch on it. I know how to start it, drive it, lower it, raise it."

The sheriff's report noted that Davis, who is too young to legally drive, has a dummy license number because he had previously been charged for a similar bus theft. In January, he took a tour bus and drove passengers around without incident. He was still serving probation for that incident.

US critics pan Bob Dylan musical

US critics have panned a new Broadway musical featuring the songs of Bob Dylan, following its debut last week.

"'The Times They Are A-Changin' is so bad that it makes you forget how good the songs are," wrote The Wall Street Journal's Terry Teachout.

The New York Times's Ben Brantley summed up the musical as a "systematic steamrolling of Bob Dylan".

The show has been choreographed by Twyla Tharp, who adapted Billy Joel's hits for the production Movin' Out.

If you want proof of how awful it is, have a look at this video clip.

Elephants see themselves in the mirror

Apes do it, we do it… and so, it seems, do elephants. They can recognise themselves in a mirror, passing a test of self-awareness that is failed even by the majority of our primate relatives.

Until recently, this ability was thought to be the exclusive preserve of humans and great apes. Then, in 2001, Diana Reiss at Columbia University in New York, US, showed that dolphins tended to position themselves to view a mark on their bodies that would not otherwise be visible, showing that they too could recognise their own reflections.

Like humans and apes, dolphins are highly social animals with large brains, and seem to show empathy towards one another. So Reiss turned her attention to another large-brained and apparently empathetic species – the Asian elephant.

Teaming up with Frans de Waal and Joshua Plotnik of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, US, Reiss presented three elephants at the Bronx Zoo in New York City with a mirror. They began inspecting themselves with their trunks while staring at their reflections. One elephant, called Happy, also repeatedly touched a mark painted onto its head.

With video.

Man loses 16 stone - on Oxo cubes

A Cornwall man has lost 16 stone in a year on a diet of Oxo cubes.

Stephen Kay, 39, swapped fry-ups, pies, pasties and pints of lager for three bowls of hot broth a day.

The dad-of-three, who is 6ft 2ins, weighed 31.5 stone.

He devised his own diet made up of Oxo stock cubes, topped up with fruit and vegetables.

Within 12 months he had slimmed down to 15.2 stone and lost two foot off his waist as his belt size shrank from 60 to 36.

Awful location ... but it sold

Dan and Jenni Colbourn sold their home for the full asking price in just two weeks — despite its awful location.

The two-bedroom semi is tucked against a railway arch with trains rattling above the roof every 15 minutes.

The front door is feet away from a roundabout for the M27.

On the plus side it has views of a creek in Fareham, Hants.

It sold for £175,000.

In other property related news, this house in London was put up for sale at £545,000. It sold for £900,000.

The vacuum flask: the latest hot item for cool people

In the topsy-turvy world of celebrity, nothing is too mundane or boring to become a must-have fashion accessory.

So it should come as no surprise to learn that the latest hot celebrity item is a vacuum flask.

Over the past few months dozens of stars have been photographed with fashionable stainless steel flasks – including Madonna, Halle Berry and Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin, Johnny Depp and Paul McCartney.

According to retailers, celebrity endorsement appears to be paying off. Sales of flasks have risen by around 60 per cent over the past year.