Saturday, March 31, 2007

Malcolm Hardee and friends - The Greatest Show On Legs

A performance by the late Malcolm Hardee and friends performing the balloon dance on the first edition of OTT (Over The Top), the late night adult spin-off from Tiswas. Originally shown on 2 January 1982, Central Television's second day of broadcasting.

A Malcolm Hardee performance usually involved the flourishing of genitalia and was not for the fainthearted. He was famous as part of The Greatest Show on Legs, a three-man act in which he performed the balloon dance stark naked, a steadily dwindling bunch of balloons usually failing to preserve his modesty. He did an impression of Charles de Gaulle, his penis playing the part of the General's nose. He was also celebrated for a bizarre juggling act performed in the dark and with nothing visible apart from his genitals, daubed with fluorescent paint. Fans would greet his arrival on stage with cries of "Get yer knob out". He was said to be huge in Germany and Sweden.

I'm sure you'll get the idea.

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