Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Schoolgirl hatches ducklings from local supermarket eggs

Sitting in a box on a supermarket shelf, they were destined to be boiled, scrambled or fried.

But under the care of ten-year-old Jessica Sansom, the fate of two duck eggs changed dramatically. They hatched.

The organic eggs were among a £1.95 box of six bought from Waitrose in Esher, Surrey.

Jessica Sansom

After the Sansom family ate four, Jessica decided to take the remaining two under her wing.

She and her mother Elizabeth placed them in an incubator which had been used to hatch geese and hens.

A month later the eggs cracked open and two fluffy ducklings appeared.

The Braddock Whites - called Splash and Splosh - are now enjoying life on the family farm in Watermouth, Devon.

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