Monday, July 30, 2007

Stoke-on-Trent clears trees for metal version

As a symbol of a council's green credentials, a tree, no doubt, seemed the natural choice.

But plans approved for a 21 ft tall metal sculpture version, surrounded by floodlights in cleared woodland, have left local taxpayers less convinced.

The creation, called Tree Stories, is part of a £12 million "Greening for Growth" initiative to improve the environment of Stoke-on-Trent.

Tree Stories

With eight 26 ft high lights and 30 floor lights, the £350,000 project does not appear to be a shining example of carbon-neutral policy.

A spokesman for the council said the extensive lighting was necessary to ensure visitors to the park did not walk into the sculpture. "This fabulous sculpture and plaza will make for a stunning entrance into a great park full of facilities, which will benefit everyone," the spokesman insisted.

In all, 20 trees will be removed to make way for Tree Stories. The council said it planned to plant more elsewhere in the park.

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