Sunday, August 19, 2007

British Telecom leaves customer hanging on its helpline for 20 hours

A grandmother had to be treated with sedatives for stress after a BT helpline kept her hanging on for twenty hours.

Hannah King, 51, wanted to speak to someone when an engineer failed to turn up at her home to fit a phone line.

She held on from 1pm until 9pm but got only piped music and a recorded message playing in her ear.

Next day there was another eight-hour wait with no luck. The next morning, she held on from 8am until noon, but again no one from BT picked up.

The mum-of-five said: "I was so frustrated and angry, I broke down in tears. My children were worried about me so I went to the doctor and he's given me pills to calm me down over all this."

A BT spokeswoman said: "We would like to apologise for the length of time this customer was left on the phone."

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