Sunday, August 19, 2007

Decorator tries to barter his way out of fine

A Polish man convicted of cannabis possession tried his luck by offering to paint or decorate Kingston Magistrates' Court as a way of paying his fine.

Pawel Matczuk, 29, from Tooting, London, was given a suspended sentence and ordered to pay £70 costs but told magistrates he was unable to pay the fine because his court appearance had made him lose his job as a painter and decorator.

Matczuk's interpreter said: "He is attempting to barter with you. He has offered to paint or decorate something for the court."

Laughing in response, magistrate chairman Judy Hopkins said: "No, I'm afraid this doesn't work."

Matczuk was given a 12-month suspended sentence as well as being ordered to pay the costs in £10 weekly instalments.

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