Sunday, August 19, 2007

Petition to erect a statue in honour of Screaming Lord Sutch

A petition has been started to gather support for a statue of a famous political leader.

The Monster Raving Loony Party's north Kent leader, Lord Toby Jug, has started an online petition to get a statue of the late party leader, Screaming Lord Sutch, put up in Kent.

Screaming Lord Sutch

He set up the petition on the Prime Minister's website on July 26 and needs 2,000 signatures in a year if the Government is to consider the idea.

The north Kent leader, who lives in High View, Vigo, said: "Some people suggested putting a statue in Westminster, but there are already enough loonys there.

"It would be better to put the statue in Whitstable, where Lord Sutch created the country's first pirate radio station."

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