Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Man faked own death to avoid speeding fines

Many motorists caught speeding try to claim that they weren't behind the wheel when the camera flashed.

But Shafkat Munir took the dodge to a new level - by telling police he was dead.

Rather than risk losing his licence after being caught three times within weeks, he posed as a friend to inform police he had in fact been dead at the time, even sending a bogus death certificate to back up his story.

He was undone by a series of blunders, however, not least that when officers became suspicious and rang the "friend", he admitted his name was Shafkat Munir.

Yesterday the 26-year-old waiter was reflecting on the error of his ways as he began a 12-month prison sentence - and learned that had he owned up in the first place, all he would have received was fines totalling £180 and nine points on his licence.

Even his own lawyer described his attempt to evade justice as "pathetic".

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