Monday, April 14, 2008

Tree man 'who grew roots' hopes to marry after 4lb of warts removed - Update

The 'Tree Man of Java’ is hoping to get married after doctors performed four major operations to hack away the bark-like tissue sprouting from his hands and feet.

For 20 years Dede Koswara lived covered in warts with huge tree-like growths encasing his limbs.

Today Dede, whose plight was highlighted on the Telegraph website, (with videos), can once more use his hands and walk without pain.

He can see the outline of his toes for the first time in over a decade after medics cut more than 4lbs of warty horns from his legs and feet.

He has also become a sudoko addict now medics have cut growths from his hands allowing him to hold a pen.

Dede, 37, now hopes that he will resume a normal life after two more operations to graft undamaged skin onto his hands, feet and face.

If you're in the UK, there's a documentary about Dede on Channel 5 at 9pm tonight.

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