Friday, May 02, 2008

Trio allegedly try to break dog out of pound for funeral

Two men have been charged with second-degree burglary after they and a teenager were trying to bust a dog out of the city pound for its owner's memorial service.

The mixed-breed dog, Luke, was picked up April 22 while roaming the streets of the tiny Carter County community of Wilson. One day later, his owner, 53-year-old Saundra Vickers, died from health complications, Police Chief Felix Hernandez said.

A rumour began spreading that authorities planned to euthanize Luke. So early on Sunday, 17-year-old Willie Justin Miller, 18-year-old James Thompson and 22-year-old Matthew Gonzalez broke into the pound in an attempt to free the dog, Hernandez said.

The goal of the trio was to allow Luke to attend his owner's memorial service later that day, Hernandez said. But a Wilson officer caught the three as they tried to leave the pound with the dog.

As it turns out, Hernandez said, authorities had no plans to put Luke to sleep. He said Vickers' family understood that as soon as a fence was built to contain Luke, the dog would be returned to the family.

Gonzalez and Thompson posted bail after being booked into the county jail. They were formally charged on Monday. Miller was cited and released to his mother.

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