Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pub told traditional sign 'encourages drink driving'

A couple have been told to remove a traditional sign for a rural pub by officials who claim it encourages drink driving.

Landlords Trisha and Thomas Russell were told to remove the board, which shows an arrow beneath the words: 'The Black Dog, Chilmark, Bar and Restaurant' as it was deemed distracting to motorists.

The sign, the size of a sandwich board, was erected two decades ago, as the pub is located away from the main A303 road.

The couple, who took over the tenancy four weeks ago were surprised to hear they needed planning permission for the sign and were then shocked to receive an objection from the Highways Agency for their application.

A letter from the agency read: "The sign contains several lines of text and is therefore distracting to motorists. It is also advertising the use of a public house to motorists, potentially providing the temptation to drink and drive while using a long distance trunk route.

A spokesman for the Highways Agency said the letter could be "misconstrued" and there was no implication that signs of public houses would lead to an increase in drink driving.

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