Neil and Phyllis Schlough say, contrary to DNR statements, that the bear was killed by a combine while Neil Schlough was harvesting corn. They also want the DNR to return the bear, which was confiscated.
The DNR says the bear, 7 feet long and estimated at 700 pounds or more, died from rifle shots. A North Dakota man has admitted shooting the bear on the morning of Tuesday, Nov. 25, while deer hunting on the Schloughs' land.
A DNR warden sold the bear carcass to the Schloughs for $75 the night of Nov. 26, believing the bear died when Neil Schlough struck it with a combine. The DNR issued the Schloughs a possession tag for the bear, but later confiscated the hide and skull after wardens learned of the illegal shooting.
"We're not accusing the Schloughs of being involved, but had we known the bear was shot we wouldn't have sold them the bear," said David Hausman, DNR warden supervisor in Baldwin.
"They want to retain the bear. That has yet to be determined," Hausman said. "Our preference is that the bear is retained by the state and stays in the community for everybody to see it."
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