Thursday, February 19, 2009

Man's teeth come in with tide

Phillip Worth is happy to have his teeth back. The 67-year-old was contemplating a miserable New Year’s Eve after losing his dentures while surfing at Terrigal, Australia.

But 26 hours later his luck changed when he saw his pearly whites coming in with the tide. “I was on my surfboard about 100 metres out and I sneezed, the next minute my top plate popped out and sank,” said Mr Worth.

He said he was reluctant to dive in after his plate as he didn’t know how deep the water was so he paddled disconsolately back to shore. “It was two days before the new year and I was supposed to go to dinner at the Sydney Automotive Club,” said Mr Worth. “But without my teeth I knew I couldn’t eat anything - it’s a bit hard to suck a pie through a straw.”

The next day Mr Worth, who lives in Nelson Bay but has a second home in Ryde, decided to walk the length of the beach, hoping against hope that he would find his teeth. “I looked through all the rubbish but I didn’t spot them. But when I got to a small channel, exactly where I had gone out the day before, I suddenly saw my teeth wash in with the tide, and then go out again.

“A woman was standing close by and I said ‘excuse me miss, I think those are my teeth’. She said, ‘I think you’re right’.” Mr Worth jumped into the water and managed to grab them. “I couldn’t believe it, it’s a trillion to one chance. It was the Tooth Fairy, I kid you not.”

Mr Worth immediately went to the newsagency and bought a scratchcard - it won $30. And his run of luck did not stop there. When he put his teeth back in they were better than ever. “They’re sharper I noticed, truly.”

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