Friday, February 20, 2009

Police install CCTV in canteen to catch officers not washing up

After numerous complaints from the tidier officers, senior managers decided to do something about the mess and decided to place a CCTV camera above the kitchen sink. PCs who use the kitchen - 800 in total - have dubbed the scheme 'grimewatch' and are said to be furious at being watched over on their breaks.

The fourth floor kitchen at the police station in Brighton, Sussex, has been affected by rubbish, litter, spilled food and dirty crockery since a recent refurbishment.

Police rank and file were told about the plan for a camera this week by Sussex's new chief superintendent Graham Bartlett.

The management said the camera was a 'deterrent' to stop officers leaving dirty plates and litter. He said: "A small minority of people have been misusing the facilities which were provided by public money.

"I have therefore had to reluctantly take the decision that, in order to protect these facilities, we will use an overt camera to disuade people from spoiling the facility for others."

Des Turner, MP for Brighton Kemptown, said: "This gives a new meaning to the phrase, the Filth." An anonymous officer said: "What a waste of public money. Tough on crime, tougher on causers of grime."

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