Thursday, April 16, 2009

Council tries to stop speeding by refusing to fill in potholes

Navestock parish council in Essex claims that leaving gaping holes in the roles will force motorists to slow down and provide "original traffic calming measures".

But the scheme has been branded "dangerous" by some local residents, who are furious that routes around their village will be left in disrepair.

One resident, Roy Tyzack, a retired police officer, said: "It beggars belief that the people who are supposed to be acting o behalf of the parishioners think it a good idea to put people at risk, particularly the elderly, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders by coming up with such a totally crackpot idea.

"Potholes, and we have a great deal of them, are very dangerous. They cause accidents, damage to vehicles, even at slow speeds, personal injury to pedestrians, particularly at night in our unlit lanes, and the consequences of one of our many young horse riders falling foul of a pothole does not bear thinking about."

An article in the parish council newsletter, under the headline New Thinking Please, described potholes as "friendly". Written by Cllr Mike Parrish, it reads: "Potholes cost a lot to repair and that's our rates. Coupled with potholes there is an ongoing cry for speed limits.

"Well, potholes are the original traffic calming measure. So what with saving much time, rates and calming the traffic, potholes seem quite friendly."

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