Sunday, April 26, 2009

Crazed cat called Syd Vicious slashes owners

A couple went to Accident and Emergency drenched in blood after being attacked by their crazed cat — named after Sex Pistol Sid Vicious.

Karen Smith, 45, and husband Kevin were relaxing in their kitchen when Syd went berserk.

The cat bit and clawed Karen’s leg. As plumber Kevin, 48, went to help, it turned on him.

Barmaid Karen said: “I was terrified and shouting hysterically. Blood was spurting out of my leg. I went through three towels to stem the flow.” The couple, from Portsmouth, had their wounds cleaned at the city’s Queen Alexandra Hospital.

They got the two-year female black rescue cat in January and named her because of her bad temper. Her previous owners had found her “overpowering”.

A vet who had barred her for being too aggressive agreed to put her down. Karen was off work for ten days.

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