Monday, April 13, 2009

Dog eats enough clothes to fill a washing line

Bailey the seven-year-old retriever from Creekmoor was admitted to Hillside Veterinary Centre in Corfe Mullen, Dorset for treatment to what vets feared was a tumour in his stomach. But when vets opened him up they discovered five golf gloves, 10 socks, one pull-up stocking and a piece of towel.

Vet Keith Moore believes that Bailey must have been munching on the garments for months or years, gradually accumulating them in his stomach.

Keith said: “It is amazing that he was not more unwell or sick but was still eating his food. This huge mass in his abdomen was picked up on a routine check-up for his epilepsy.

“Vets obviously do a fair number of foreign object removals but I doubt I will ever see anything like this again in my career. Even for us, from a vet’s point of view, it was pretty amazing. It was like doing a magic trick. We were just pulling out one sock after another,” he joked.

Owner Nicola Perrett, said: “The vet phoned me at work to say that he thought Bailey had a tumour. I was absolutely devastated and spent all morning crying at work. Later I got a call saying they had found socks, gloves and a stocking. I was so relieved although I knew it was still touch and go.”

Bailey has now had his stitches out and has made a full recovery. Nicola said she never noticed Bailey taking the items. “The only one I knew was missing was a glove. He had got quite a bit quieter but we put that down to him getting older. Now he’s back to being like a puppy again."

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