Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter egg hunt ends in disaster

An easter egg hunt ended in disaster when a teenage girl tripped an illegal hunting trap baited with birds' eggs.

Carina Faerber, 13, mistook the bait for chocolate eggs, setting off the hair trigger of a vicious razor-sharp gin-trap that left her hand hanging by a thread.

Her wrist was broken and almost severed altogether when she tried to pick up the eggs - used to lure weasels in woods near her house in Weisskirchen, Austria. Her screams alerted local walkers who dialled emergency services.

Police say the eggs were left as bait by a huntsman trying to snare a weasel.

Although the traps are banned in Britain, they are legal in Austria - but only if there are clear warning signs placed beside them.

Prosecutors will interview the huntsman - who came forward to admit responsibility for the accident - over setting illegal snares.

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