Sunday, April 05, 2009

Lipstick can save old womens’ lives

Wearing make-up can save the lives of elderly women by stopping them falling over, it emerged last night. Experts claimed the process of slapping on lipstick and mascara boosts balance and co-ordination by acting as a type of stretching.

And older women have better posture even when they wear just basic cosmetics. The bizarre finding emerged from a study of 100 women aged 65 to 85.

Scientists at the University of St Etienne, France, were analysing the impact of make-up on self-esteem. But they discovered that cosmetics had a more powerful effect on health.

The women were fitted with insoles to test their centre of gravity and a belt to monitor their posture. Experts found those who put on make-up every day had much better balance and posture, and suffered fewer falls.

Dr Patricia Pineau, who led the study, said make-up users walked tall. "She said: These women stood up straight and suffered fewer falls. They held themselves differently to those who did not wear make-up."

Dr Pineau, research director for cosmetic firm L'Oreal, added: "It could help to prevent many debilitating falls." The findings were presented at the World Congress of Gerontology, Paris. Falls kill thousands of over-65s each year.

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