Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Man arrested for calling an ambulance for his mother

A carer was left humiliated after being arrested and locked up on suspicion of assaulting his 93-year-old mother. Garry Taylor, who lives near Prestbury, said he was appalled by his treatment at the hands of police, after being held in custody for 15 hours.

The 61-year-old, who has cared for his mother Phyllis for the past 10 years, called an ambulance when she fell out of bed, injuring her head. He raised the alarm after finding her on her bedroom floor in a state of shock. But instead of being allowed to accompany her to hospital, he was arrested while police investigated how his mother's injuries had been caused.

Mr Taylor, who has no previous criminal convictions and no history with social services, said: "What happened was an outrage. I was treated like I'd done something terrible, when all I could think about was what condition my mother was in.

"In the eyes of the police I was guilty until proven innocent – they handcuffed me out in the street and put me in the back of the car. It was a humiliating experience. And imagine how my mother felt when she was told I could not be by her side because I was locked up in jail on suspicion of causing her injuries."

Mr Taylor, who is a live-in carer, was taken in by police at about 6am, and not released until after 9pm, during which time he said he was given no food.

On release he was told that no further action would be taken, but said no apology was made. Phyllis Taylor remains in Cheltenham General hospital recovering, and was said by her son to be feeling too weak to comment.

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