Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Man arrested for throwing money around

Taiwan police have arrested a 55-year-old man for lobbing bank notes worth about T$1 million ($41,000) from vehicles, causing disorder in the streets.

The man tossed the bills from a taxi in a crowded part of Taichung city yesetrday as people stopped to pick up the cash, Changhua police official Lin Shih-ming said. "He might have had a nervous condition, as his state of mind wasn't normal," Mr Lin said.

He is believed to have thrown heaps more money on an earlier road trip starting in the capital Taipei.

The man also burned about T$400,000 ($16,500) and had two more sacks of cash, apparently the proceeds of a property sale, Mr Lin said.

Some of the passers-by who picked up the bills turned the money over to police, while others pocketed it, he said. The taxi driver turned the man in to police in Changhua county, just south of Taichung.

The suspect would be charged with public endangerment and destruction of currency, Mr Lin said

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