Officers in Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, found themselves contemplating an empty dance floor after the "Bluez 'n' Zuz" event failed to excite local youngsters.
To make matters worse, a patrol not far from the Memorial Hall later caught several young people drinking illegally on the pavement.

Sergeant Martin Alvis said he was "very disappointed" by the lack of attendance because it had been publicised well in local schools. The discos have been a success in other parts of the county.
Sgt Alvis said: "Some of the officers went out on to the streets that night and said to the youngsters to come along, but nobody wanted to engage.
"Sadly, while the officers were out on the streets they came across youngsters drinking alcohol which was taken away and disposed of. When they were questioned they simply said they just wanted to drink, which is very sad."
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