Saturday, May 16, 2009

Teacher attacks vandal's faulty grammar

Faced with a graffiti attack in her neighbourhood, Beth Biskobing responded both dramatically and grammatically. Someone starved for attention painted "Where da bitches at?" among other squiggles on a police call box at the corner of Newport and Bartlett avenues.

Beth's answer came in a bright red flier that she duct-taped to the box this week. She also plastered one on a road construction sign a few blocks away near Shepard and Hartford with the same offensive and presumably rhetorical question. She's an English teacher at South Milwaukee High School, so this is how she thinks.

"Hey, Tagger!" she wrote. "We'd like you to work on your grammar, please! Your tag SHOULD read as follows: Where are the female dogs?"

Click for bigger.

"The use of the verb are allows you to write a COMPLETE SENTENCE. (Without it, you have a fragment, of course - missing the predicate of the sentence. The subject is dogs.)" she wrote.

There's more. Wielding her slang blade, Beth pointed out that the and da are not interchangeable. And at, being the preposition that it is, doesn't belong at the end of a sentence.

"It's disturbing," Beth said. Kids and others in the neighbourhood shouldn't have to look at this.

Full story here.

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